OneDrive Connector
Version: 8

EndPoints for OneDrive Connector

On this page you will see possible API actions you can perform with OneDrive connector. We will refer this as API EndPoint or just EndPoint.

Label Name Description
List Drives list_drives
Read Drive get_drive
List Root (Non Recursive) list_root
Lists Folder Items (Non-Recursive Children) list_folder
List Files list_files [API reference]
List Excel Files list_excel_files [API reference]
Get Users get_users Get the list of users. [API reference]
Get Groups get_groups Get the list of groups. [API reference]
List Excel Worksheets of a File (i.e. List Tabs) list_excel_worksheets
Read Excel Worksheet (Auto Detect Range) get_excel_worksheet_autodetect Use this endpoint to read data from a Sheet without supplying address range (e.g. A1:D100). This endpoint auto detects address range based on used cells in a sheet. [API reference]
Read Excel Worksheet (From Exact Range) get_excel_worksheet
Read CSV File (Generic) get_csv_file
Create / Update CSV File (Generic) create_csv_file
Read JSON File (Generic) get_json_file
Create / Update JSON File (Generic) create_json_file
Download File download_file
Upload File upload_file Upload a file to the specified path [API reference]
Get Item (File or Folder) get_item
Delete Item (File or Folder) delete_item
Move or rename item (File or Folder) move_rename_item Move or rename an item (File or Folder) to a different location in the same drive or another drive
Copy item (File or Folder) copy_item Copy an item (File or Folder) to a different location in the same drive or another drive (e.g. different User's drive)
Generic Request generic_request This is generic endpoint. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.
Generic Request (Bulk Write) generic_request_bulk_write This is a generic endpoint for bulk write purpose. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.