Mailchimp Connector
Version: 1

Tables for Mailchimp Connector

On this page you will see possible API actions you can perform with Mailchimp connector. We will refer this as API Table or just Table.

Name Description Supported Operations
__DynamicRequest__ This is a generic table. Use this to support Bulk read / write. You can supply Dynamic URL Below section contains supported CRUD operations. Each operation is executed by some EndPoint behind the scene.
Method Supported Reference EndPoint
SELECT generic_request
INSERT generic_request_bulk_write
UPDATE generic_request_bulk_write
Campaigns No description available Below section contains supported CRUD operations. Each operation is executed by some EndPoint behind the scene.
Method Supported Reference EndPoint
SELECT get_campaigns
LOOKUP get_campaign
ListMembers This table supports bulk operations. For bulk Add/Update use UPSERT operation. All other operations are row by row. Below section contains supported CRUD operations. Each operation is executed by some EndPoint behind the scene.
Method Supported Reference EndPoint
SELECT get_list_members
INSERT add_list_member
UPDATE update_list_member
UPSERT upsert_list_members
DELETE delete_list_member
LOOKUP get_list_member
ListMembersBulk This table uses BULK API to create / update contacts in bulk. In this table add operation is slightly faster compared to ListMembers table. Use this endpoint if you have real need to speed up and you dont need some information returned by ListMembers operation. Below section contains supported CRUD operations. Each operation is executed by some EndPoint behind the scene.
Method Supported Reference EndPoint
SELECT get_list_members_all
INSERT add_list_members_bulk
UPDATE update_list_member
UPSERT upsert_list_members
DELETE delete_list_member
LOOKUP get_list_member
Lists No description available Below section contains supported CRUD operations. Each operation is executed by some EndPoint behind the scene.
Method Supported Reference EndPoint
SELECT get_lists
INSERT add_list
UPDATE update_list
DELETE delete_list
LOOKUP get_list