EndPoint Add New List Member
Add a new member to the list. It throws error if same email exists
Output Columns
Label | DataType | Length | Raw | Description |
Id | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
ListId | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
EmailAddress | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
UniqueEmailId | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
ContactId | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
FullName | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
WebId | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
EmailType | DT_WSTR | 20 | False | |
Status | DT_WSTR | 20 | False | |
ConsentsToOneToOneMessaging | DT_BOOL | 0 | False | |
FirstName | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
LastName | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
AddressLine1 | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
AddressLine2 | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
City | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
State | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
Zip | DT_WSTR | 20 | False | |
Country | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
Phone | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
Birthday | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
StatsAvgOpenRate | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
StatsAvgClickRate | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
IpSignup | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
TimestampSignup | DT_DBTIMESTAMP | 0 | False | |
IpOpt | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
TimestampOpt | DT_DBTIMESTAMP | 0 | False | |
MemberRating | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
LastChanged | DT_DBTIMESTAMP | 0 | False | |
Language | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
Vip | DT_BOOL | 0 | False | |
EmailClient | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
Latitude | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
Longitude | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
LocationGmtOff | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
LocationDstOff | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
CountryCode | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
TimeZone | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
Region | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
Source | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
TagsCount | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
Tags | DT_WSTR | 4000 | False |
Input Columns
Label | DataType | Length | Raw | Description |
EmailAddress | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
Status | DT_WSTR | 80 | False | Subscriber's current status. Possible values: subscribed, unsubscribed, cleaned, pending, or transactional. |
EmailType | DT_WSTR | 20 | False | Type of email this member asked to get ('html' or 'text'). |
FirstName | DT_WSTR | 255 | False | |
LastName | DT_WSTR | 255 | False | |
AddressLine1 | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
AddressLine2 | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
City | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
State | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
Zip | DT_WSTR | 20 | False | |
Country | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
Phone | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
Birthday | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
MergeFields | DT_WSTR | 4000 | True | A dictionary of merge fields where the keys are the merge tags. |
Interests | DT_WSTR | 4000 | True | The key of this object's properties is the ID of the interest in question. |
Language | DT_WSTR | 10 | False | If set/detected, the subscriber's language. |
Vip | DT_BOOL | 0 | False | VIP status for subscriber. |
Latitude | DT_WSTR | 4000 | False | The location latitude. |
Longitude | DT_WSTR | 4000 | False | The location longitude. |
MarketingPermissions | DT_WSTR | 4000 | True | The marketing permissions for the subscriber. |
IpSignup | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | IP address the subscriber signed up from. |
TimestampSignup | DT_DBTIMESTAMP | 0 | False | The date and time the subscriber signed up for the list in ISO 8601 format. |
IpOpt | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | The IP address the subscriber used to confirm their opt-in status. |
TimestampOpt | DT_DBTIMESTAMP | 0 | False | The date and time the subscriber confirmed their opt-in status in ISO 8601 format. |
Tags | DT_WSTR | 4000 | True | The tags that are associated with a member. |
ListId | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | The ID of the list for which to add a new member. |