Mailchimp Connector
Version: 1

Authentication OAuth


No description available


To get the credentials you need in order to set up your OAuth workflow, you'll first need to register your application with Mailchimp:
  1. Navigate to the Registered Apps page in your Mailchimp account.
  2. Click Register An App.
  3. Fill out the Register An App form.
  4. Click Create.
  5. After successfully registering your application, you'll see the client_id and client_secret at the bottom of the page - record these values and store them securely.
  6. Record your Mailchimp data center, since we will need it later. The data center will be located in your browser's address bar URL. If the URL is "", then your data center is "us21".
  7. Back at the connector screen, enter the data center that was recorded in step 6 into the Data Center field.
  8. Enter the client_id value that was recorded in step 5 into the Client Id field.
  9. Enter the client_secret value that was recorded in step 5 into the Client Secret field.
  10. Click Generate Token. If proper authentication occurs, you will see a notice saying so. If you get any errors, click Yes on the dialog box and then a large browser window will launch - log into your Mailchimp account here and approve the use of the application.
  11. Select the Test Connection button at the bottom of the window to verify proper connectivity with your Mailchimp account.
  12. If the connection test succeeds, select OK.


Parameter Label Required Default value Options Description
DataCenter Data Center YES
Name Value
us1 us1
us2 us2
us3 us3
... ...
us14 us14
type-your-own type-your-own
The data center will be located in your browser's address bar URL. If the URL is then your data center is us21.
ClientId Client Id YES
ClientSecret Client Secret YES
ListId Default List Id YES The ID of the list for which you like to perform this operation.
RetryMode RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
Name Value
None None
RetryAny RetryAny
RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
RetryStatusCodeList RetryStatusCodeList 429
RetryCountMax RetryCountMax 5
RetryMultiplyWaitTime RetryMultiplyWaitTime True