Outlook Mail (Office 365) Connector
Version: 2

EndPoint Get Mail Folders




Get the list of mail folders for the specified user Id. [API Help]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
UserId User ID or Email YES The Microsoft Mail user ID GUID or email address for the account to read messages from. (Examples: '4ff54a77-9c09-4274-958f-83bdc0a53900' or 'first.last@domain.com')
OrderBy Order By NO
Option Value
AscendingOrder SomeColumn asc
DescendingOrder SomeColumn desc
Order the specified column by ascending or descending order [API Help..]
SearchCriteria Search Criteria NO
Option Value
Equal Search SomeColumn eq 'SomeValue'
Substring Search substringof(SomeField,'abc')
Starts With startswith(SomeField, 'abc')
Data filter (e.g. somecolumn -eq 'somevalue') [API Help..]
PageSize Page Size NO The number of records to include in each page of results [API Help..]
SelectedColumns Selected Columns NO Select the individual columns to be included in the response, to reduce the response size and increase performance [API Help..]

Output Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
Id DT_WSTR 1200 False
DisplayName DT_WSTR 500 False
ParentFolderId DT_WSTR 1200 False
ChildFolderCount DT_I4 0 False
UnreadItemCount DT_I4 0 False
TotalItemCount DT_I4 0 False
SizeInBytes DT_I4 0 False
IsHidden DT_BOOL 0 False

Input Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
There are no Static columns defined for this endpoint. This endpoint detects columns dynamically at runtime.