Building a Custom API Connector
Create and use your own custom REST API ODBC driver or SSIS connector


Suppose you want to access a particular service (Service) and get its data in your client application (e.g. SSIS, Power BI, etc.). The first thing you should ask yourself: "Does it support a REST API or SOAP API?" If the answer is "yes", you are ready to create your own Custom API Connector!

In this tutorial, we will use the World API (a public ZappySys Sandbox REST API). For a moment, assume it is the Service you want to interact with. It has enough sample API methods to cover the majority of real-world scenarios. This tutorial will gradually walk you through the process, and step by step, you will learn how to create your own Custom API Connector.

Let's not waste our precious time any longer! Let's proceed to Hello, World!