Azure DevOps Connector
Version: 2

Authentication Personal Access Token (PAT)


No description available


To connect to Azure DevOps using a Personal Access Token (PAT), you must first create a valid PAT:
  1. Start by by going to and selecting relevant organization on the left.
  2. Then copy Organization's host name part (e.g. acmeinc, if full host name is, save it to a file, and click it: Copy Organization Host in Azure DevOps
  3. Next, click User settings icon and then click Personal access tokens: Click User Settings icon in Azure DevOps
  4. Then click New Token button to create a new personal access token: Create new token in Azure DevOps
  5. Continue by...
    • naming your token
    • selecting the right Organization
    • setting token's Expiration date (it's recommended to use Custom defined option and make it expire after one year or later)
    • and setting the Scopes:
    Finish creating token in Azure DevOps

    NOTE: You may be restricted from creating full-scoped PATs. If so, your Azure DevOps administrator in Azure AD has enabled a policy which limits you to a specific custom defined set of scopes.

  6. Now click Copy button and save the newly created token into a file for quick access later: Use Azure DevOps token to read REST API data
  7. Go back to the connector screen, input the token you saved in a previous step into the Personal Access Token (PAT) field.
  8. Then enter the Organization host name part that you noted recorded in previous step into Organization name or Id for url field.
  9. Enter the name or Id of the project you want to connect to by default in the Default Project (Choose after above fields) field.
  10. Select the Security tab.
  11. Enter,, into the Additional Trusted Domains field.
  12. Select the Test Connection button at the bottom of the window to verify proper connectivity with your Azure DevOps account.
  13. Done!


Parameter Label Required Default value Options Description
Password Personal Access Token (PAT) YES
Organization Organization name or Id for url YES The organization name or Id obtained from the Azure Portal.
ApiVersion API Version YES 7.0
Name Value
6.0 6.0
7.0 7.0
7.0-preview 7.0-preview
7.1-preview.2 7.1-preview.2
The version of the Azure DevOps API to use.
AuthScheme AuthScheme Bearer
AuthHeader AuthHeader Authorization
UserName UserName
Project Default Project Name (Choose after Generating Token) The default project name to make API calls for.
RetryMode RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
Name Value
None None
RetryAny RetryAny
RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
RetryStatusCodeList RetryStatusCodeList 429
RetryCountMax RetryCountMax 5
RetryMultiplyWaitTime RetryMultiplyWaitTime True