Amazon MWS Connector
Version: 1

EndPoints for Amazon MWS Connector

On this page you will see possible API actions you can perform with Amazon MWS connector. We will refer this as API EndPoint or just EndPoint.

Label Name Description
Orders: Read Orders ListOrders The ListOrders operation returns a list of orders created or updated during a time frame that you specify. You define that time frame using the CreatedAfter parameter or the LastUpdatedAfter parameter. You must use one of these parameters, but not both. You can also apply a range of filtering criteria to narrow the list of orders that is returned. The ListOrders operation includes order information for each order returned, including AmazonOrderId, OrderStatus, FulfillmentChannel, and LastUpdateDate. [API Help..]
Orders: Read Order Items ListOrderItems The ListOrderItems operation returns order item information for an AmazonOrderId that you specify. The order item information includes Title, ASIN, SellerSKU, ItemPrice, ShippingPrice, as well as tax and promotion information. [API Help..]
Orders: Get Single Order Information GetOrder The GetOrder operation returns an order for each AmazonOrderId that you specify, up to a maximum of 50. The GetOrder operation includes order information for each order returned, including PurchaseDate, OrderStatus, FulfillmentChannel, and LastUpdateDate. [API Help..]
Get FlatFile Report (Live) RequestReportCsv Returns data from FlatFile Reports (TSV - Tab Seperated Values) listed here Depending which Report you choose, it can take upto 30 minutes to generate report. To get data from previously generated report, you can use [Get CSV Report By ID - Cached Copy] endpoint to fetch data by GeneratedReportId
Get XML Report (Live) RequestReportXml Returns data from XML Reports listed here
Get CSV Report By ID - Cached Copy (Previously Generated) GetReportCsv
Get XML Report By ID - Cached Copy (Previously Generated) GetReportXml
Get Report Count GetReportCount Returns a count of the reports, created in the previous 90 days, with a status of _DONE_ and that are available for download. [API Help..]
Get Report List (Successful Only) GetReportList Returns a list of reports that were created in the previous 90 days. [API Help..]
Get Report Requests GetReportRequestList Returns a list of report requests that you can use to get the ReportRequestId for a report. [API Help..]
Generic Request generic_request This is generic endpoint. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.