Stripe Connector
Version: 2

EndPoint Retrieve an Invoice




Retrieves the invoice with the given Id. [API Help]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
Id Invoice Id YES Returns an invoice for the Invoice Id.

Output Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
Id DT_WSTR 255 False
Object DT_WSTR 100 False
AccountCountry DT_WSTR 100 False
AccountName DT_WSTR 1020 False
AccountTaxId DT_WSTR 1020 False
AmountDue DT_I8 0 False
AmountPaid DT_I8 0 False
AmountRemaining DT_I8 0 False
ApplicationFeeAmount DT_I8 0 False
AttemptCount DT_I8 0 False
Attempted DT_BOOL 0 False
AutoAdvance DT_BOOL 0 False
BillingReason DT_WSTR 1020 False
Charge DT_WSTR 255 False
CollectionMethod DT_WSTR 1020 False
Created DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
Currency DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomFields DT_WSTR 1020 False
CustomerId DT_WSTR 1020 False
CustomerAddressCity DT_WSTR 1020 False
CustomerAddressCountry DT_WSTR 1020 False
CustomerAddressLine1 DT_WSTR 1020 False
CustomerAddressLine2 DT_WSTR 1020 False
CustomerAddressPostalCode DT_WSTR 1020 False
CustomerAddressState DT_WSTR 1020 False
CustomerEmail DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomerName DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomerPhone DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomerShippingAddressCity DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomerShippingAddressCountry DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomerShippingAddressLine1 DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomerShippingAddressLine2 DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomerShippingAddressPostalCode DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomerShippingAddressState DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomerShippingName DT_WSTR 100 False
CustomerShippingPhone DT_WSTR 100 False
TaxExempt DT_WSTR 100 False
TaxIDs DT_WSTR 1020 False
DefaultPaymentMethod DT_WSTR 1020 False
DefaultSource DT_WSTR 1020 False
DefaultTaxRates DT_WSTR 1000 False
Description DT_WSTR 1020 False
Discount DT_WSTR 1020 False
Discounts DT_WSTR 100 False
EndingBalance DT_I8 0 False
Footer DT_WSTR 1020 False
HostedInvoiceURL DT_WSTR 1020 False
InvoicePDF DT_WSTR 1020 False
LastFinalizationError DT_WSTR 1020 False
LinesObject DT_WSTR 100 False
LinesData DT_NTEXT 0 False
LinesHasMore DT_BOOL 0 False
LinesTotalCount DT_I8 0 False
LinesUrl DT_WSTR 1020 False
LiveMode DT_BOOL 0 False
NextPaymentAttempt DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
Number DT_WSTR 1020 False
Paid DT_BOOL 0 False
PaymentIntent DT_WSTR 1020 False
PeriodEnd DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
PeriodStart DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
PostPaymentCreditNotesAmount DT_I8 0 False
PrepaymentCreditNotesAmount DT_I8 0 False
ReceiptNumber DT_WSTR 255 False
StartingBalance DT_I8 0 False
StatementDesctiption DT_WSTR 1020 False
Status DT_WSTR 100 False
StatusTransitionsFinalizedAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
StatusTransitionsMarkedUncollectibleAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
StatusTransitionsPaidAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
StatusTransitionsVoidedAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
SubscriptionId DT_WSTR 1020 False
Subtotal DT_I8 0 False
Tax DT_I8 0 False
Total DT_I8 0 False
TotalDiscountAmounts DT_WSTR 100 False
TotalTaxAmounts DT_WSTR 100 False
TransferData DT_WSTR 1020 False
WebhooksDeliveredAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False

Input Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
Id DT_WSTR 4000 False