ServiceNow Connector
Version: 2

Authentication OAuth


Authenticate using ServiceNow instance username, password, OAuth Client ID, and Client Secret. [API reference]


Create OAuth application and use it for authentication:

  1. Login to your instance at
  2. Start by clicking on menu item All, then search for oauth, and click Application Registry option:

    Locate OAuth configuration in ServiceNow
  3. Then click button New:

    Create new OAuth application in ServiceNow
  4. Continue by clicking Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients option:

    Use ServiceNow OAuth application for external clients
  5. Move on by naming your OAuth application and entering a Client Secret (or let it be generated automatically).

  6. Finally give it a final touch by increasing the Refresh Token Lifespan value to 315,360,000 (it should last for 10 years):

    Configure OAuth application in ServiceNow
  7. Done! Now you can use Client ID and Client Secret when configuring OAuth Authentication parameters.


Parameter Label Required Default value Options Description
InstanceName InstanceName YES
UserName User name YES You can create new user account and set password here https://{your-instance-id} or visit All \ Organization \ Users in the portal
Password Password YES You can create new user account and set password here https://{your-instance-id} or visit All \ Organization \ Users in the portal
ClientId Client ID YES
ClientSecret Client Secret YES
ApiVersion ApiVersion YES v2
Name Value
v2 v2
v1 v1
RetryMode RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
Name Value
None None
RetryAny RetryAny
RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
RetryStatusCodeList RetryStatusCodeList 429|503
RetryCountMax RetryCountMax 5
RetryMultiplyWaitTime RetryMultiplyWaitTime True