Placeholder Functions (For ODBC and Data Gateway)
Most Tools / Programming language supports making SQL Query dynamic. However there will be a time when its not possible or very hard. ZappySys drivers support unique way to make your SQL Query dynamic. You can use Function Placeholders anywhere in the SQL string, URL JOIN or Stored Proc Param usage and it will be replaced before its evaluated by Query Parser.
Most Tools / Programming language supports making SQL Query dynamic. However there will be a time when its not possible or very hard. ZappySys drivers support unique way to make your SQL Query dynamic. You can use Function Placeholders anywhere in the SQL string, URL JOIN or Stored Proc Param usage and it will be replaced before its evaluated by Query Parser.
Using Placeholder functions in SQL
For example using placeholder in your SQL as below pass current date / time in yyyy-MM-dd format.
select * from mytable where date='<<yyyy-MM-dd,FUN_GETDATE>>'
Using Placeholder functions in URL JOIN (Example for JSON/XML/CSV Driver)
Here is how you can apply functions to URL join parameters when parent data is passed to child URL. See how we are reading Base64 data and pass it to child URL (after applying FUN_BASE64DEC function).
--1st level (root)--
--2nd level--
Using Placeholder functions in Stored Proc Parameter
Here is how you can use function for stored proc parameter.
select * from Orders where Country='<@Country,FUN_TRIM>'
In this tutorial we will show you how to use static Placeholders to make things much cleaner and easier.
You can pass input values for placeholders by Direct value. Here is just an example of static placeholder.
Firstly, You need to Download and Install ZappySys ODBC PowerPack.
After you install ZappySys ODBC Drivers you can use Driver functionality few ways (see below).
- Using ODBC DSN (User level DSN or System level DSN)
- Using Direct ODBC Connection String
- Connect client app/server from Windows, Linux, Mac OS to ZappySys Data Gateway using Microsoft SQL Server Driver (i.e. JDBC, ODBC, OLEDB ...)
Regardless which method you choose from your App below steps will help you to configure your connectivity in correct way.
If you choose to connect using direct ConnectionString then also try below Steps to create correct ConnectionString which
you can copy from DSN Config Tool and paste inside your App / Programming Language Code.
Type odbcad32.exe in your search box and launch the DSN Config utility.
If you want access for yourself then stay of User DSN Tab. If you want grant access other users then go to System DSN tab.
For SQL Server Integration go to System Tab and add new System DSN rather than User DSN.
Click New button.
From the Driver list Select ZappySys ODBC Driver. For this example select [ZappySys JSON Driver].
Click on Finish button.
Now, Move in Preview Tab, Enter or Modify query in editor and hit on Preview Button to see value of Placeholder. Use following query for test.
For more about function click here.
Function List
Along with format specifiers you can also use functions. See below list.
Function name |
Description |
Returns current datetime using default ISO date format or custom format. Syntax:
<<[output_date_format],FUN_NOW>> |
Returns today's date using default date format yyyy-MM-dd or you can supply custom format. Syntax:
<<[output_date_format],FUN_TODAY>> |
This function evaluates date expression for known values (i.e. today/yesterday keywords) or can be applied on user defined date/time. It can add / subtract interval from date (e.g. today+3y, now-2m, weekstart+1d, +2h, +3d). Syntax:
<<expression[|~|output_date_format][|~|input_datetime][|~|return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression],FUN_TO_DATE>> |
This function evaluates date/time expression for known values (i.e. today/yesterday keywords) or can be applied on user defined date/time. It can add / subtract interval from date (e.g. today+3y, now-2m, weekstart+1d, +2h, +3d). Syntax:
<<expression[|~|output_date_format][|~|input_datetime][|~|return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression],FUN_TO_DATETIME>> |
This function is same as TO_DATETIME except it returns datetime in UTC. It evaluates date/time expression for known values (i.e. today/yesterday keywords) or can be applied on user defined date/time. It can add / subtract interval from date (e.g. today+3y, now-2m, weekstart+1d, +2h, +3d). Syntax:
<<expression[|~|output_date_format][|~|input_datetime][|~|return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression],FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> |
Returns current datetime in UTC using default ISO date format or custom format. Syntax:
<<[output_date_format],FUN_GETDATE_UTC>> |
Converts local date to UTC date (after conversion time portion is removed) Syntax:
<<input_date_time,FUN_TO_UTC_DATE>> |
Converts local date to UTC date (after conversion time portion is removed) Syntax:
<<input_date_time,FUN_TO_UTC_DATETIME>> |
Converts UTC datetime to local datetime based on current system timezone (after conversion time portion is removed) Syntax:
<<input_date_time,FUN_TO_LOCAL_DATE>> |
Converts UTC datetime to local datetime (based on current system timezone) Syntax:
<<input_date_time,FUN_TO_LOCAL_DATETIME>> |
Converts date/time to Unix TimeStamp which is integer number which represents number of seconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 (the birth of Unix a.k.a. the Unix epoch) Syntax:
<<[input_date_time],FUN_TIMESTAMP_UNIX>> |
Converts date/time to Unix TimeStamp which is integer number which represents number of milliseconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 (the birth of Unix a.k.a. the Unix epoch) Syntax:
<<[input_date_time],FUN_TIMESTAMP_MS_UNIX>> |
Converts Unix TimeStamp format to UTC date/time Syntax:
<<input_unix_timestamp,FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_TO_DATE>> |
Converts Unix TimeStamp format to UTC date/time Syntax:
<<input_unix_timestamp,FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_DATE>> |
This function trims white spaces (i.e. new line, tab, spaces) around input string. Syntax:
This function trims single and double quotes around input string. Syntax:
<<input_text,FUN_TRIM_QUOTES>> |
This function returns upper case string. Syntax:
This function returns lower case string. Syntax:
This function returns proper case string (i.e. CamelCase). Syntax:
<<input_text[|~|clean_special_chars],FUN_PROPERCASE>> |
Search for sub string and returns a new string with replaced value Syntax:
<<input_text|~|search_for|~|replace_with|~|is_case_sensitive,FUN_REPLACE>> |
Returns custom string if input value is null else different string with value template (use $1 to reference input value in the return template) Syntax:
<<input_text|~|match_text[|~|not_match_text][|~|encode_function],FUN_IF_NULL>> |
Returns custom string if input value is empty (blank string) else different string with value template (use $1 to reference input value in the return template) Syntax:
<<input_text|~|match_text[|~|not_match_text][|~|encode_function],FUN_IF_EMPTY>> |
Returns custom string if input value is null or empty else different string with value template (use $1 to reference input value in the return template) Syntax:
<<input_text|~|match_text[|~|not_match_text][|~|encode_function],FUN_IF_NULL_OR_EMPTY>> |
Performs IF condition check on two values, returns match_text or not_match_text argument based on value1 compare with value2 on match_operator (match operation is not case-sensitive by default unless you supply is_case_sensitive argument). If no match found then not_match_text is returned if supplied else error is thrown. Condition match can be equal, contains, greater than, less than, in, between or regular expression. Syntax:
<<value1|~|match_operator|~|value2|~|match_text|~|not_match_text[|~|is_case_sensitive][|~|encode_function],FUN_IF>> |
Match for regular expression string pattern and return match condition if found else return non match condition Syntax:
<<input_text|~|search_pattern|~|match_string|~|not_match_string[|~|is_case_sensitive][|~|encode_function][|~|multi_match_separator],FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> |
Returns custom string by matching one or more conditions (CASE statement). If no match found default_value (last argument) is returned if supplied else error is thrown. Condition match can be equal, contains, greater than, less than, in, between or regular expression. Syntax:
<<input_value|~|condition_1[|~|condition_2][|~|condition_3][|~|...][|~|condition_N][|~|default_value],FUN_CASE>> |
Throws error if condition matched else returns blank string. If no match found then not_match_text is returned if supplied else error is thrown. Condition match can be equal, contains, greater than, less than, in, between or regular expression. Syntax:
<<value1|~|match_operator|~|value2|~|error_message_on_match[|~|is_case_sensitive],FUN_THROW_IF>> |
Search for string pattern using Regular expression and returns a new string with replaced value Syntax:
<<input_text|~|search_pattern|~|replace_with[|~|is_case_sensitive],FUN_REGEX_REPLACE>> |
Returns string match using Regular expression Syntax:
<<input_text|~|search_pattern[|~|is_case_sensitive][|~|is_required],FUN_REGEX_EXTRACT>> |
Returns MD5 hash in Base64 format for specified input Syntax:
Returns MD5 hash in Hex format (all Uppercase). To output Hash in base64 use FUN_MD5. To output Hash in lowercase format use FUN_HASH_MD5_HEX Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_MD5HEX>> |
Returns File content MD5 hash in Base64 format for a specified file path. File content can be text or binary. Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_MD5>> |
Returns File content MD5 hash in Hex format (rather than Base64) for a specified file path. File content can be text or binary. Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_MD5HEX>> |
Returns file name from the input file path. Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_NAME>> |
Returns file size (in bytes) for a single file or multiple files using wildcard pattern match. Syntax:
<<file_path_or_pattern,FUN_FILE_SIZE>> |
Returns file size (in bytes) for a single file or multiple files using wildcard pattern match. This function scans child folders too for wildcard pattern search. Syntax:
<<file_path_or_pattern,FUN_FILE_SIZE_RECURSIVE>> |
Returns total file count for a given wildcard pattern match. Syntax:
<<file_path_pattern,FUN_FILE_COUNT>> |
Returns total file count for a given wildcard pattern match. This function scans child folders too for wildcard pattern search. Syntax:
<<file_path_pattern,FUN_FILE_COUNT_RECURSIVE>> |
Returns file(s) exists status (True or False) for a single file or multiple files using wildcard pattern match. Syntax:
<<file_path_or_pattern,FUN_FILE_EXITS>> |
Returns file(s) exists status (True or False) for a single file or multiple files using wildcard pattern match. This function scans child folders too for wildcard pattern search. Syntax:
<<file_path_or_pattern,FUN_FILE_EXITS_RECURSIVE>> |
Returns file extension for a given file path. Syntax:
<<file_name_or_path,FUN_FILE_EXTENSION>> |
Returns encoding type from the input file path. Possible return values are: ASCII, UTF8, UTF8WithoutBOM, UTF16, UTF16WithoutBOM, UTF32, UTF32WithoutBOM, UTF7, UTF7WithoutBOM, BigEndian, BigEndianWithoutBOM Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_ENCODING>> |
Returns lock status (True or False) from the input file path. If Some Program is locking file then returns True else False. Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_ISLOCKED>> |
Returns directory name for a given file path. Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_DIRECTORY>> |
Returns file age in days based on CreationDate of the file. (e.g. If file was created 5 days ago then it returns 5). Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_AGE_CREATE>> |
Returns file age in days based on LastModifiedDate of the file. (e.g. If file was edited 5 days ago then it returns 5). Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_AGE_LASTEDIT>> |
Returns file creation date in ISO date format (i.e. 2021-12-31T23:59:59.123). Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_CREATE_DATE>> |
Returns file last edit date in ISO date format (i.e. 2021-12-31T23:59:59.123). Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_LASTEDIT_DATE>> |
Returns BASE64 encoded string of local file content (binary or text). Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_BASE64ENC>> |
Returns file name from the input file path. Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_NAME>> |
Reads local file and returns content as string Syntax:
<<file_path,FUN_FILE_READ>> |
Write content to a file. Returns file size if successful. If its append mode then returns appended text length. Syntax:
<<file_path|~|content|~|overwrite|~|append|~|create_target_folder_if_missing|~|encoding,FUN_FILE_WRITE>> |
Writes input base64 string to a file as decoded binary data. Returns file size if successful. If its append mode then returns appended byte array size. Syntax:
<<file_path|~|content_base64|~|overwrite|~|append|~|create_target_folder_if_missing,FUN_FILE_WRITE_BINARY>> |
Returns folder name from the path. Syntax:
<<folder_path,FUN_FOLDER_NAME>> |
Returns folder size in bytes (including files from sub folders). Syntax:
<<folder_path,FUN_FOLDER_SIZE>> |
Returns folder exists status (True or False). Syntax:
<<folder_path,FUN_FOLDER_EXITS>> |
Returns file count of a folder (including files from sub folders). Syntax:
<<folder_path,FUN_FOLDER_FILECOUNT>> |
Returns folder age in days based on CreationDate of the folder. (e.g. If folder was created 5 days ago then it returns 5). Syntax:
<<folder_path,FUN_FOLDER_AGE_CREATE>> |
Returns folder creation date in ISO date format (i.e. 2021-12-31T23:59:59.123). Syntax:
<<folder_path,FUN_FOLDER_CREATE_DATE>> |
Calls HTTP request and returns response data (text or binary) as string from an URL (Supports GET, POST, PUT with Body/Headers...) Syntax:
<<url[|~|method]|~|body[|~|headers][|~|ignore_certificate_errors][|~|is_multipart_upload],FUN_HTTP_READ>> |
Calls HTTP request and returns response data (text or binary) as Base64 string from an URL (Supports GET, POST, PUT with Body/Headers...) Syntax:
<<url[|~|method]|~|body[|~|headers][|~|ignore_certificate_errors][|~|is_multipart_upload],FUN_HTTP_READ_BINARY>> |
Calls HTTP request and saves response (text or binary) to a local disk file and returns file size in bytes (Supports GET, POST, PUT with Body/Headers...) Syntax:
<<file_path|~|url[|~|method]|~|body[|~|headers][|~|ignore_certificate_errors][|~|is_multipart_upload][|~|overwrite_target][|~|append][|~|create_folder_if_missing][|~|encoding],FUN_HTTP_WRITE>> |
Calls HTTP request and saves response (text or binary) to a local disk file and returns file size in bytes (Supports GET, POST, PUT with Body/Headers...) Syntax:
<<file_path|~|url[|~|method]|~|body[|~|headers][|~|ignore_certificate_errors][|~|is_multipart_upload][|~|overwrite_target][|~|append][|~|create_folder_if_missing][|~|encoding],FUN_HTTP_WRITE_BINARY>> |
Returns MD5 hash in Base64 format for specified input string Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_HASH_MD5>> |
Returns MD5 hash in HEX format for specified input string. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_MD5 function. Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_HASH_MD5_HEX>> |
Returns MD5 hash in Base64 format for specified input file Syntax:
<<input_file,FUN_HASH_FILE_MD5>> |
Returns MD5 hash in HEX format for specified input file. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_MD5 function. Syntax:
<<input_file,FUN_HASH_FILE_MD5_HEX>> |
Returns SHA1 hash in Base64 format for specified input string Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_HASH_SHA1>> |
Returns SHA1 hash in HEX format for specified input string. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_SHA1 function. Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_HASH_SHA1_HEX>> |
Returns SHA256 hash in Base64 format for specified input string Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_HASH_SHA256>> |
Returns SHA256 hash in HEX format for specified input string. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_SHA256 function. Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_HASH_SHA256_HEX>> |
Returns SHA256 hash in Base64 format for specified input file Syntax:
<<input_file,FUN_HASH_FILE_SHA256>> |
Returns SHA256 hash in HEX format for specified input file. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_SHA256 function. Syntax:
<<input_file,FUN_HASH_FILE_SHA256_HEX>> |
Returns SHA512 hash in Base64 format for specified input string Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_HASH_SHA512>> |
Returns SHA512 hash in HEX format for specified input string. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_SHA512 function. Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_HASH_SHA512_HEX>> |
Returns a Base64 string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the MD5 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key) Syntax:
<<secret_key[--non-base64]|~|input_string,FUN_HMAC_MD5>> |
Returns a Base64 string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA1 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key) Syntax:
<<secret_key[--non-base64]|~|input_string,FUN_HMAC_SHA1>> |
Returns a Base64 string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA256 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key) Syntax:
<<secret_key[--non-base64]|~|input_string,FUN_HMAC_SHA256>> |
Returns a Base64 string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA384 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key) Syntax:
<<secret_key[--non-base64]|~|input_string,FUN_HMAC_SHA384>> |
Returns a Base64 string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA512 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key) Syntax:
<<secret_key[--non-base64]|~|input_string,FUN_HMAC_SHA384>> |
Returns a HEX string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the MD5 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key) Syntax:
<<secret_key[--non-base64]|~|input_string,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> |
Returns a HEX string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA1 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key) Syntax:
<<secret_key[--non-base64]|~|input_string,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> |
Returns a HEX string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA256 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key) Syntax:
<<secret_key[--non-base64]|~|input_string,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> |
Returns a HEX string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA384 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key) Syntax:
<<secret_key[--non-base64]|~|input_string,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> |
Returns a HEX string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA512 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key) Syntax:
<<secret_key[--non-base64]|~|input_string,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> |
Encodes string for JSON value (e.g. {NEWLINE} is replaced to \r\n, double quote to \", {TAB} to \\t ) Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_JSONENC>> |
Decodes JSON string (e.g. \r\n is replaced to {NEWLINE}, \" to double quote, \\t to {TAB}) Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_JSONDEC>> |
Extracts Text from JSON array using JSON Path expression. You can specify expression like $.data[*] or $.data[*].email. If document is Array (i.e. starts with [ ) then root is referred as $.data[*] Syntax:
<<input_json|~|json_path[|~|separator][|~|throw_error_if_nomatch],FUN_JSON_TO_TEXT>> |
Encodes plain text to XML encoded value (e.g. > is replaced to > and < is replaced to < ) Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_XMLENC>> |
Decodes XML value to plain text (e.g. > is replaced to > and < is replaced to < ) Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_XMLDEC>> |
Extracts Text from XML using XPath expression. You can specify expression like /data/rows/row[0]/@name Syntax:
<<input_xml|~|xml_path[|~|separator]|~|indent,FUN_XML_TO_TEXT>> |
Encodes input string to percentage encoding format for URL (e.g. A&B is encoded to A%26B) Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_URLENC>> |
Decodes url encoded value to plain text Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_URLDEC>> |
Encodes input string to percentage encoding format for URL using exact same rules as FUN_URLENCDATA except space is encoded as %20 rather than + Syntax:
<<input_string,FUN_URLENCDATA>> |
Creates a new unique GUID Syntax:
<<[format],FUN_NEW_GUID>> |
Returns a number in a sequence, useful to generate a row number or counter (optionally allows to use custom seed_number, increment_by and counter_name) Syntax:
<<[seed_number][|~|increment_by][|~|counter_name][|~|should_reset_counter],FUN_SEQUENCE>> |
Generates a random integer from 1 to given max range Syntax:
<<[max_number],FUN_RANDOM_INT>> |
Generates a random string Syntax:
<<[max_length],FUN_RANDOM_STR>> |
Performs a specified math operation for input numbers Syntax:
<<input_values|~|operation[|~|data_type][|~|out_format][|~|throw_if_fail][|~|default_value_on_error][|~|culture],FUN_CALC>> |
Encodes input string to BASE64 format Syntax:
<<input_text,FUN_BASE64ENC>> |
Decodes base64 encoded string to plain text Syntax:
<<input_text,FUN_BASE64DEC>> |
Date Time Formatting
You can use DateTime format specifiers like below as long as DataType is DateTime. Click here to see full list of datetime format specifiers. Click Here to see list of predefined standard date time formats.
Example |
Sample Output |
<<yyyy,FUN_TODAY>> |
2016 |
<<yyyyMMdd,FUN_TODAY>> |
20161231 |
<<MMM dd, yyyy,FUN_TODAY>> |
Dec 31, 2016 |
<<MMMM dd, yyyy,FUN_TODAY>> |
December 31, 2016 |
<<yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ,FUN_TODAY>> |
2016-12-31T23:59:59.999Z |
<<yyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt,FUN_TODAY>> |
2016-12-31 11:59:59 PM |
Date/Time Functions
Returns current datetime using default ISO date format or custom format.
Name | Description |
output_date_format (Optional) | [String] Custom date format for output. e.g. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff. Default format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. For Quarter use format "q" (e.g 1), "qq" (e.g 01), "qqq" (e.g Q1), "qqqq" (e.g 2025-Q1) and for Week number use "wk" (e.g. 52) format. For more information on possible date format specifier check this You can also output in Unix Timestamp format by using format specifier unix_timestamp --OR-- unix_timestamp_ms |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<FUN_NOW>> | 2020-01-31T23:59:59 | |
<<FUN_GETDATE>> | 2020-01-31T23:59:59 | |
<<yyyy-MM-dd,FUN_NOW>> | 2020-01-31 | |
<<yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.fff,FUN_NOW>> | 2020-01-31 23:59.999 | |
<<yyyy, MMM dd,FUN_NOW>> | 2021, Mar 07 | |
<<yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm tt,FUN_NOW>> | 2020-01-31 11:59 PM | |
<<unix_timestamp,FUN_NOW>> | 1640210107 | Outputs data in Unix Epoch format (numeric timestamp). Assuming now is 22-Dec-2021 21:55:07 GMT |
<<unix_timestamp_ms,FUN_NOW>> | 1640210107000 | Outputs data in Unix Epoch format (numeric timestamp with milliseconds). Assuming now is 22-Dec-2021 21:55:07 GMT |
Returns today's date using default date format yyyy-MM-dd or you can supply custom format.
Name | Description |
output_date_format (Optional) | [String] Custom date format for output. e.g. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff. Default format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. For Quarter use format "q" (e.g 1), "qq" (e.g 01), "qqq" (e.g Q1), "qqqq" (e.g 2025-Q1) and for Week number use "wk" (e.g. 52) format. For more information on possible date format specifier check this You can also output in Unix Timestamp format by using format specifier unix_timestamp --OR-- unix_timestamp_ms |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<FUN_TODAY>> | 2020-01-31 | |
<<yyyy, MMM dd,FUN_TODAY>> | 2021, Mar 07 | |
<<yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm tt,FUN_TODAY>> | 2020-01-31 11:59 PM | |
<<unix_timestamp,FUN_TODAY>> | 1615179600 | Outputs data in Unix Epoch format (numeric timestamp). Assuming today is 2021-03-08T17:50:33 |
This function evaluates date expression for known values (i.e. today/yesterday keywords) or can be applied on user defined date/time. It can add / subtract interval from date (e.g. today+3y, now-2m, weekstart+1d, +2h, +3d).
Name | Description |
expression | [String] This expression can be in the form of [function_name][+/-][interval][+/-][interval].... For example to get Last date of previous month you can do "monthend-1d". To get yesterday's date you can just type "yesterday". Valid date function names for this expression are [ now | today | yesterday | weekstart | weekend | monthstart | monthend | yearstart | yearend ]. Valid interval names are [ms (for milliseconds) | s OR sec | min | h OR hour | y OR year | d OR day |m OR month | y OR year] |
output_date_format (Optional) | [String] Output format of date/time. e.g. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff. Default format is yyyy-MM-dd. For Quarter use format "q" (e.g 1), "qq" (e.g 01), "qqq" (e.g Q1), "qqqq" (e.g 2025-Q1) and for Week number use "wk" (e.g. 52) format. For more information on possible date format specifier check this You can also output in Unix Timestamp format by using format specifier unix_timestamp --OR-- unix_timestamp_ms |
input_datetime (Optional) | [String] Date or Datetime for which you like to evaluate expression. If you do not supply this then current date is used as input for expression. |
return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression (Optional) | [Boolean] Set this argument if you wish to skip format / expression evaluation if input expression value is static date/time or bad value. By default if expression is bad then current date is used and format is applied. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<today,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020-01-31 | Outputs today's date using default date format (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd) |
<<today||yyyyMMdd,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 20200131 | Outputs today's date using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<now||yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020-01-31 23:59:59.123 | Outputs current datetime using custom date format |
<<today-5d,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020-01-26 | Subtract 5 days from today's date |
<<today-5d+1y,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020-01-26 | Subtract 5 days from today's date and then add 1 year |
<<today+5d,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020-02-05 | Adds 5 days to today's date |
<<-5d||yyyMMdd||2020-01-01,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 20191227 | Subtract 5 days from input date 2020-01-01 and output using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<+2m||yyyMMdd||2020-01-01,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 20200201 | Adds 2 month in input date 2020-01-01 and output using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<today-1y,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2019-01-31 | Subtract one year from today's date |
<<monthstart+3d,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020-01-03 | Adds 3 days to current month start date |
<<monthend+2d,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020-02-02 | Adds 3 days to current month end date |
<<yearstart+1y,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2021-01-01 | Outputs next year's start date (Adds one year to current year's start date) |
<<yearend+1y,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2021-12-31 | Outputs next year's end date (Adds one year to current year's end date) |
<<weekstart+1y,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2021-01-01 | Outputs next year's start date |
<<yesterday||yyyMMdd,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 20200131 | Outputs yesterday's date using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<now||unix_timestamp,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 1640210107 | Outputs data in Unix Epoch format (numeric timestamp). Assuming now is 22 Dec 2021 21:55:07 GMT |
<<now||unix_timestamp_ms,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 1640210107000 | Outputs data in Unix Epoch format (numeric timestamp with milliseconds). Assuming now is 22 Dec 2021 21:55:07.000 GMT |
<<yearstart||q,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 1 | Outputs quarter number for a specified input expression or date |
<<yearstart||qq,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 01 | Outputs quarter number for a specified input expression or date |
<<yearstart||qqq,FUN_TO_DATE>> | Q1 | Outputs quarter number for a specified input expression or date |
<<yearstart||qqqq,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2025-Q1 | Outputs quarter number for a specified input expression or date |
<<2025-12-31||q,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 4 | Outputs quarter number for a specified input expression or date |
<<yearend||wk,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 52 | Outputs week number for a specified input expression or date |
<<some-bad-expression,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020-01-31 | When bad input supplied it returns today's date using default date format (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd) |
<<some-bad-expression||yyyy MM dd,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020 01 31 | When bad input supplied alog with custom format, it returns today's date using custom format (i.e. yyyy MM dd in this example) |
<<some-bad-expression||yyyy MM dd||1900-01-01||true,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 1900-01-01 | When bad expression supplied along with return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression parameter it will return input_value if supplied else bad expression value as is |
<<some-bad-expression||yyyy MM dd||||true,FUN_TO_DATE>> | some-bad-expression | When bad expression supplied along with return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression parameter it will return input_value if supplied else bad expression value as is |
<<2020-01-31,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020-01-31 | When a valid date/time supplied it returns the same date time in default format default date format (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd) |
<<2020-01-31T23:59:59||yyyy MM dd HH mm ss,FUN_TO_DATE>> | 2020 01 31 23 59 59 | When a valid date/time supplied it returns the same date time using requested format. If format is not supplied then default date format is used (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd) |
This function evaluates date/time expression for known values (i.e. today/yesterday keywords) or can be applied on user defined date/time. It can add / subtract interval from date (e.g. today+3y, now-2m, weekstart+1d, +2h, +3d).
Name | Description |
expression | [String] This expression can be in the form of [function_name][+/-][interval][interval][+/-][interval]... For example to get Last date of previous month you can do "monthend-1d". To get yesterday's date you can just type "yesterday". Valid date function names for this expression are [ now | today | yesterday | weekstart | weekend | monthstart | monthend | yearstart | yearend ]. Valid interval names are [ms (for milliseconds) | s OR sec | min | h OR hour | y OR year | d OR day |m OR month | y OR year] |
output_date_format (Optional) | [String] Output format of date/time. e.g. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff. Default format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. For Quarter use format "q" (e.g 1), "qq" (e.g 01), "qqq" (e.g Q1), "qqqq" (e.g 2025-Q1) and for Week number use "wk" (e.g. 52) format. For more information on possible date format specifier check this You can also output in Unix Timestamp format by using format specifier unix_timestamp --OR-- unix_timestamp_ms |
input_datetime (Optional) | [String] Date or Datetime for which you like to evaluate expression. If you do not supply this then current date is used as input for expression. |
return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression (Optional) | [Boolean] Set this argument if you wish to skip format / expression evaluation if input expression value is static date/time or bad value. By default if expression is bad then current date is used and format is applied. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<today,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020-01-31T00:00:00 | Outputs today's date using default date format (i.e. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss) |
<<now,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020-01-31T23:59:59 | Outputs current datetime using default date format (i.e. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss) |
<<now-5h,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020-01-31T18:59:59 | Subtract 5 hours from current time and outputs using default date format |
<<today||yyyyMMdd,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 20200131 | Outputs today's date using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<now||yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020-01-31 23:59:59.123 | Outputs current datetime using custom date format |
<<today-5d,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020-01-26T00:00:00 | Subtract 5 days from today's date |
<<today-5d+1y,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020-01-26T00:00:00 | Subtract 5 days from today's date and then add 1 year |
<<today+5d,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020-02-05T00:00:00 | Adds 5 days to today's date |
<<-5d||yyyMMdd||2020-01-01,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 20191227 | Subtract 5 days from input date 2020-01-01 and output using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<+2m||yyyMMdd||2020-01-01,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 20200201 | Adds 2 month in input date 2020-01-01 and output using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<today-1y,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2019-01-31T00:00:00 | Subtract one year from today's date |
<<monthstart+3d,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020-01-03T00:00:00 | Adds 3 days to current month start date |
<<monthend+2d,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020-02-02T00:00:00 | Adds 3 days to current month end date |
<<yearstart+1y,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2021-01-01T00:00:00 | Outputs next year's start date (Adds one year to current year's start date) |
<<yearend+1y,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2021-12-31T00:00:00 | Outputs next year's end date (Adds one year to current year's end date) |
<<weekstart+1y,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2021-01-01T00:00:00 | Outputs next year's start date |
<<yesterday||yyyMMdd,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 20200131 | Outputs yesterday's date using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<now||unix_timestamp,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 1640210107 | Outputs data in Unix Epoch format (numeric timestamp). Assuming now is 22 Dec 2021 21:55:07 GMT |
<<now||unix_timestamp_ms,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 1640210107000 | Outputs data in Unix Epoch format (numeric timestamp with milliseconds). Assuming now is 22 Dec 2021 21:55:07.000 GMT |
<<some-bad-expression,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020-01-31 | When bad input supplied it returns today's date using default date format (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd) |
<<some-bad-expression||yyyy MM dd,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 2020 01 31 | When bad input supplied alog with custom format, it returns today's date using custom format (i.e. yyyy MM dd in this example) |
<<some-bad-expression||yyyy MM dd||1900-01-01||true,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | 1900-01-01 | When bad expression supplied along with return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression parameter it will return input_value if supplied else bad expression value as is |
<<some-bad-expression||yyyy MM dd||||true,FUN_TO_DATETIME>> | some-bad-expression | When bad expression supplied along with return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression parameter it will return input_value if supplied else bad expression value as is |
This function is same as TO_DATETIME except it returns datetime in UTC. It evaluates date/time expression for known values (i.e. today/yesterday keywords) or can be applied on user defined date/time. It can add / subtract interval from date (e.g. today+3y, now-2m, weekstart+1d, +2h, +3d).
Name | Description |
expression | [String] This expression can be in the form of [function_name][+/-][interval]. For example to get Last date of previous month you can do "monthend-1d". To get yesterday's date you can just type "yesterday". Valid date function names for this expression are [ now | today | yesterday | weekstart | weekend | monthstart | monthend | yearstart | yearend ]. Valid interval names are [ms (for milliseconds) | s OR sec | min | h OR hour | y OR year | d OR day |m OR month | y OR year] |
output_date_format (Optional) | [String] Output format of date/time. e.g. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff. Default format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. For Quarter use format "q" (e.g 1), "qq" (e.g 01), "qqq" (e.g Q1), "qqqq" (e.g 2025-Q1) and for Week number use "wk" (e.g. 52) format. For more information on possible date format specifier check this You can also output in Unix Timestamp format by using format specifier unix_timestamp --OR-- unix_timestamp_ms |
input_datetime (Optional) | [String] Date or Datetime for which you like to evaluate expression. If you do not supply this then current date is used as input for expression. |
return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression (Optional) | [Boolean] Set this argument if you wish to skip format / expression evaluation if input expression value is static date/time or bad value. By default if expression is bad then current date is used and format is applied. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<today,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2020-01-31T00:00:00 | Outputs today's date using default date format (i.e. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss) |
<<now,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2020-01-31T23:59:59 | Outputs current datetime using default date format (i.e. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss) |
<<now-5h,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2020-01-31T18:59:59 | Subtract 5 hours from current time and outputs using default date format |
<<today||yyyyMMdd,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 20200131 | Outputs today's date using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<now||yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2020-01-31 23:59:59.123 | Outputs current datetime using custom date format |
<<today-5d,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2020-01-26T00:00:00 | Subtract 5 days from today's date |
<<today+5d,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2020-02-05T00:00:00 | Adds 5 days to today's date |
<<-5d||yyyMMdd||2020-01-01,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 20191227 | Subtract 5 days from input date 2020-01-01 and output using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<+2m||yyyMMdd||2020-01-01,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 20200201 | Adds 2 month in input date 2020-01-01 and output using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<today-1y,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2019-01-31T00:00:00 | Subtract one year from today's date |
<<monthstart+3d,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2020-01-03T00:00:00 | Adds 3 days to current month start date |
<<monthend+2d,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2020-02-02T00:00:00 | Adds 3 days to current month end date |
<<yearstart+1y,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2021-01-01T00:00:00 | Outputs next year's start date (Adds one year to current year's start date) |
<<yearend+1y,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2021-12-31T00:00:00 | Outputs next year's end date (Adds one year to current year's end date) |
<<weekstart+1y,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2021-01-01T00:00:00 | Outputs next year's start date |
<<yesterday||yyyMMdd,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 20200131 | Outputs yesterday's date using custom date format yyyyMMdd |
<<now||unix_timestamp,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 1640210107 | Outputs data in Unix Epoch format (numeric timestamp). Assuming now is 22 Dec 2021 21:55:07 GMT |
<<now||unix_timestamp_ms,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 1640210107000 | Outputs data in Unix Epoch format (numeric timestamp with milliseconds). Assuming now is 22 Dec 2021 21:55:07.000 GMT |
<<some-bad-expression,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2020-01-31 | When bad input supplied it returns today's date using default date format (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd) |
<<some-bad-expression||yyyy MM dd,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 2020 01 31 | When bad input supplied alog with custom format, it returns today's date using custom format (i.e. yyyy MM dd in this example) |
<<some-bad-expression||yyyy MM dd||1900-01-01||true,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | 1900-01-01 | When bad expression supplied along with return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression parameter it will return input_value if supplied else bad expression value as is |
<<some-bad-expression||yyyy MM dd||||true,FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC>> | some-bad-expression | When bad expression supplied along with return_staticvalue_on_bad_expression parameter it will return input_value if supplied else bad expression value as is |
Returns current datetime in UTC using default ISO date format or custom format.
Name | Description |
output_date_format (Optional) | [String] Custom date format. If not supplied default ISO date format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ) is used. For Quarter use format "q" (e.g 1), "qq" (e.g 01), "qqq" (e.g Q1), "qqqq" (e.g 2025-Q1) and for Week number use "wk" (e.g. 52) format. Notice that default date format ends with Z to indicate UTC time. For more information about custom date format specifiers check this link You can also output in Unix Timestamp format by using format specifier unix_timestamp --OR-- unix_timestamp_ms |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<FUN_GETDATE_UTC>> | 2020-01-31T23:59:59Z | |
<<yyyy-MM-dd,FUN_GETDATE_UTC>> | 2020-01-31 | |
<<yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.fff,FUN_GETDATE_UTC>> | 2020-01-31 23:59.999 | |
<<yyyy, MMM dd,FUN_GETDATE_UTC>> | 2021, Mar 07 | |
<<yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm tt,FUN_GETDATE_UTC>> | 2020-01-31 11:59 PM | |
<<unix_timestamp,FUN_GETDATE_UTC>> | 1615179600 | Outputs data in Unix Epoch format (numeric timestamp). Assuming today is 2021-03-08T17:50:33 |
Converts local date to UTC date (after conversion time portion is removed)
Name | Description |
input_date_time | [DateTime] Datetime you like to convert to UTC date |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<2021-01-01,FUN_TO_UTC_DATE>> | 2020-12-31 | Updated date after converting local time to UTC (+5:00 timezone converted to UTC) |
Converts local date to UTC date (after conversion time portion is removed)
Name | Description |
input_date_time | [String] Datetime you like to convert to UTC date |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<2020-12-31T23:00:00,FUN_TO_UTC_DATETIME>> | 2021-01-01T04:00:00Z | Example of time conversion to UTC for -5:00 timezone |
<<2021-01-01T00:00:00,FUN_TO_UTC_DATETIME>> | 2020-12-31T20:00:00Z | Example of time conversion to UTC for +5:00 timezone |
<<2021-01-01,FUN_TO_UTC_DATETIME>> | 2021-01-01T05:00:00Z | Example of time conversion to UTC for -5:00 timezone (EST) |
Converts UTC datetime to local datetime based on current system timezone (after conversion time portion is removed)
Name | Description |
input_date_time | [String] Datetime you like to convert to UTC date |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<2020-12-31T23:00:00,FUN_TO_LOCAL_DATE>> | 2021-01-01 | Example of time conversion to UTC for -5:00 timezone |
<<2021-01-01T00:00:00,FUN_TO_LOCAL_DATE>> | 2020-12-31 | Example of time conversion to UTC for +5:00 timezone |
<<2021-01-01,FUN_TO_LOCAL_DATE>> | 2020-12-31 | Example of time conversion to UTC for +5:00 timezone |
Converts UTC datetime to local datetime (based on current system timezone)
Name | Description |
input_date_time | [String] UTC Datetime you like to convert to local time |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<2020-12-31T23:00:00,FUN_TO_LOCAL_DATETIME>> | 2021-01-01T04:00:00 | Example of time conversion to UTC for -5:00 timezone |
<<2021-01-01T00:00:00,FUN_TO_LOCAL_DATETIME>> | 2020-12-31T20:00:00 | Example of time conversion to UTC for +5:00 timezone |
<<2021-01-01,FUN_TO_LOCAL_DATETIME>> | 2020-12-31 | Example of time conversion to UTC for +5:00 timezone |
Converts date/time to Unix TimeStamp which is integer number which represents number of seconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 (the birth of Unix a.k.a. the Unix epoch)
Name | Description |
input_date_time (Optional) | [DateTime] Input date/time which you like to convert to Unix Timestamp |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<FUN_TIMESTAMP_UNIX>> | 1615225833 (assuming System Clock was 2021-03-08T12:50:33 EST -5:00) | Unix Timestamp generated based on current time |
<<2020-01-01T00:00:00,FUN_TIMESTAMP_UNIX>> | 1577854800 | Unix Timestamp is generated for user defined date time (System setting EST -5:00 timezone). By default input date is treated as Local time so its always converted to UTC before generating Timestamp. |
<<2020-01-01,FUN_TIMESTAMP_UNIX>> | 1577854800 | Unix Timestamp is generated for user defined date time (System setting EST -5:00 timezone). Only date supplied (Time part is 00:00:00) |
<<2020-01-01T00:00:00Z,FUN_TIMESTAMP_UNIX>> | 1577836800 | Unix Timestamp is generated for user defined date time which is marked as UTC date (Z suffix at the end). |
Converts date/time to Unix TimeStamp which is integer number which represents number of milliseconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 (the birth of Unix a.k.a. the Unix epoch)
Name | Description |
input_date_time (Optional) | [DateTime] Input date/time which you like to convert to Unix Timestamp |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<FUN_TIMESTAMP_MS_UNIX>> | 1577905199123 (assuming System Clock was 2020-01-01T13:59:59.123 EST -5:00) | Unix Timestamp generated based on current time |
<<2020-01-01T13:59:59.123,FUN_TIMESTAMP_MS_UNIX>> | 1577941199123 | Unix Timestamp is generated for user defined date time (System setting EST -5:00 timezone). By default input date is treated as Local time so its always converted to UTC before generating Timestamp. |
<<2020-01-01,FUN_TIMESTAMP_MS_UNIX>> | 1577854800000 | Unix Timestamp is generated for user defined date time (System setting EST -5:00 timezone). Only date supplied (Time part is 00:00:00) |
<<2020-01-01T13:59:59.123Z,FUN_TIMESTAMP_MS_UNIX>> | 1577887199123 | Unix Timestamp is generated for user defined date time which is marked as UTC date (Z suffix at the end). |
Converts Unix TimeStamp format to UTC date/time
Name | Description |
input_unix_timestamp | [Int32] Input Unix timestamp which you like to convert to datetime. Milliseconds part is not included in the output. Long timestamp format (e.g. 1615225833123) may not throw error but will produce bad output. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<1615225833,FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_TO_DATE>> | 2021-03-08T17:50:33 | OK - Just datetime (no milliseconds) |
<<1615225833123,FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_TO_DATE>> | 2021-03-08T17:50:33 | ERROR - Out of range. Long timestamp (with milliseconds) not allowed (if you like to use this format use FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_DATE function instead) |
<<1615225833.123,FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_TO_DATE>> | 2021-03-08T17:50:33 | OK - Milliseconds in decimal part processed but not displayed. |
<<1.615225833123E9,FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_TO_DATE>> | 2021-03-08T17:50:33 | OK - Milliseconds in decimal part represented as scientific notation processed but not displayed. |
Converts Unix TimeStamp format to UTC date/time
Name | Description |
input_unix_timestamp | [Int64] Input Unix timestamp which you like to convert to datetime. Use scientific notation (double type) or use floating point after timestamp to produce milliseconds in the output. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<1577941199123,FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_DATE>> | 2020-01-02T04:59:59.123 | Milliseconds in integer part |
<<1577941199.123,FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_DATE>> | 2020-01-02T04:59:59.123 | Milliseconds in decimal part |
<<1.577941199123E9,FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_DATE>> | 2020-01-02T04:59:59.123 | Milliseconds in decimal part represented as scientific notation |
String Functions
This function trims white spaces (i.e. new line, tab, spaces) around input string.
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] Input string which you want to trim. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<< ABCD ,FUN_TRIM>> | ABCD | |
This function trims single and double quotes around input string.
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] Input string for which you want to trim quotes. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<'ABCD',FUN_TRIM_QUOTES>> | ABCD | Trim single quotes |
<<"ABCD",FUN_TRIM_QUOTES>> | ABCD | Trim double quotes |
<<"'ABCD'",FUN_TRIM_QUOTES>> | ABCD | Trim single and double quotes |
<<"""ABCD""",FUN_TRIM_QUOTES>> | ABCD | Trim many quotes |
<< """ABCD""" ,FUN_TRIM_QUOTES>> | """ABCD""" | No trimming because non quote character (i.e. space in this case) found before first quote |
This function returns upper case string.
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] Input string which you want to change to upper case. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<AbCd,FUN_UPPER>> | ABCD | |
This function returns lower case string.
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] Input string which you want to change to lower case. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<AbCd,FUN_LOWER>> | abcd | |
This function returns proper case string (i.e. CamelCase).
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] Input string which you want to change to proper case. |
clean_special_chars (Optional) | [String] Clean special chars (e.g. [. - @ : , $] before proper case. Default=false |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<my day IS GOOD,FUN_PROPERCASE>> | My Day Is Good | |
<<my_day_is_good,FUN_PROPERCASE>> | My_Day_Is_Good | |
<<my_day_is_good|~|true,FUN_PROPERCASE>> | MyDayIsGood | |
<<my@day_is_good|~|true,FUN_PROPERCASE>> | MyDayIsGood | |
<<my.day_is_good|~|true,FUN_PROPERCASE>> | MyDayIsGood | |
<<my$day_is_good|~|true,FUN_PROPERCASE>> | MyDayIsGood | |
<<my day_is_good|~|true,FUN_PROPERCASE>> | MyDayIsGood | |
<<my-day_is_good|~|true,FUN_PROPERCASE>> | MyDayIsGood | |
Search for sub string and returns a new string with replaced value
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] The string to be replaced. |
search_for | [String] Sub string to be search for. |
replace_with | [String] New string value you like to replace. |
is_case_sensitive | [String] Specifies whether search pattern is case sensitive or not. 1 or True=Case-Sensitive search, 0 or False=Case-insensitive (Default=0) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<I like Cap|~|Cap|~|Hat,FUN_REPLACE>> | I like Hat | In this example word "Cap" is replaced by "Hat" |
<<Line 1 Line 2|~| |~|-break-,FUN_REPLACE>> | Line 1-break-Line 2 | In this example we replaced \r\n (New Line) with word -break- |
Returns custom string if input value is null else different string with value template (use $1 to reference input value in the return template)
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] Input string to check. |
match_text | [String] String you like to output if input is null. |
not_match_text (Optional) | [String] Custom string you like to return if input is not null. You can use $1 any where in the string to reference input in this custom string. If omitted then input value is returned. |
encode_function (Optional) | [String] Operation you like to perform on the input value before using in the custom_text. Possible functions are jsonenc, xmlenc, quote, base64enc (for string encoding) and jsondec, xmldec, base64dec for decoding. You can suffix "_w_quote" after operation name to quote around (i.e. jsonenc_w_quote) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<I like M & M|~|--null--|~|You entered: $1,FUN_IF_NULL>> | You entered: I like M & M | In this example we used custom output if value is not null. Notice $1 is used to refer input string for custom_text |
<<I like M & M|~|--null--|~|You entered: $1|~|xmlenc,FUN_IF_NULL>> | You entered: I like M & M | In this example we used xmlenc operation (XML Encode function) for input string. It gets applied before custom_text is returned if value is not null. |
Returns custom string if input value is empty (blank string) else different string with value template (use $1 to reference input value in the return template)
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] Input string to check. |
match_text | [String] String you like to output if input is empty string. |
not_match_text (Optional) | [String] Custom string you like to return if input is not empty. You can use $1 any where in the string to reference input in this custom string. If omitted then input value is returned. |
encode_function (Optional) | [String] Operation you like to perform on the input value before using in the custom_text. Possible functions are jsonenc, xmlenc, quote, base64enc (for string encoding) and jsondec, xmldec, base64dec for decoding. You can suffix "_w_quote" after operation name to quote around (i.e. jsonenc_w_quote) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<I like M & M|~|--empty--|~|You entered: $1,FUN_IF_EMPTY>> | You entered: I like M & M | In this example we used custom output if value is not empty string. Notice $1 is used to refer input string for custom_text |
<<|~|--empty--|~|You entered: $1,FUN_IF_EMPTY>> | --empty-- | In this example our output is custom string set for null (i.e. --null--) because input is Blank string (i.e. empty) value |
<<I like M & M|~|--empty--|~|You entered: $1|~|xmlenc,FUN_IF_EMPTY>> | You entered: I like M & M | In this example we used xmlenc operation (XML Encode function) for input string. It gets applied before custom_text is returned if value is not empty string. |
Returns custom string if input value is null or empty else different string with value template (use $1 to reference input value in the return template)
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] Input string to check. |
match_text | [String] String you like to output if input is null or empty. |
not_match_text (Optional) | [String] Custom string you like to return if input is not null or empty. You can use $1 any where in the string to reference input in this custom string. If omitted then input value is returned. |
encode_function (Optional) | [String] Operation you like to perform on the input value before using in the custom_text. Possible functions are jsonenc, xmlenc, quote, base64enc (for string encoding) and jsondec, xmldec, base64dec for decoding. You can suffix "_w_quote" after operation name to quote around (i.e. jsonenc_w_quote) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<I like M & M|~|--null-or-empty--|~|You entered: $1,FUN_IF_NULL_OR_EMPTY>> | You entered: I like M & M | In this example we used custom output if value is not null. Notice $1 is used to refer input string for custom_text |
<<|~|--null-or-empty--|~|You entered: $1,FUN_IF_NULL_OR_EMPTY>> | --null-or-empty-- | In this example our output is custom string set for null/empty (i.e. --null-or-empty--) because input is NULL value |
<<<NULL>|~|--null-or-empty--|~|You entered: $1,FUN_IF_NULL_OR_EMPTY>> | --null-or-empty-- | In this example our output is custom string set for null/empty (i.e. --null-or-empty--) because input is NULL value |
<<I like M & M|~|--null-or-empty--|~|You entered: $1|~|xmlenc,FUN_IF_NULL_OR_EMPTY>> | You entered: I like M & M | In this example we used xmlenc operation (XML Encode function) for input string. It gets applied before custom_text is returned if value is not null. |
Performs IF condition check on two values, returns match_text or not_match_text argument based on value1 compare with value2 on match_operator (match operation is not case-sensitive by default unless you supply is_case_sensitive argument). If no match found then not_match_text is returned if supplied else error is thrown. Condition match can be equal, contains, greater than, less than, in, between or regular expression.
Name | Description |
value1 | [String] Left side input value. |
match_operator | [String] Operator function for match operator. Valid functions are Eq (Equal), NotEq (Not Equal), Gt, GtEq, Lt, LtEq, Between, Contains, NotContains, StartsWith, EndsWith, RegX, NotRegX, In, NotIn. Add --cs after Operator name to make string compare Case-Sensitive e.g. AbCd|~|Eq--cs|~|ABCD returns no match, and AbCd|~|Eq|~|ABCD returns match (by default ignore-case ON). For In / NotIn operator use comma to define multiple values (e.g. some_color|~|In|~|red,blue,orange). For Between use # to separate 2 values (e.g. 100|~|Between|~|0#200) |
value2 | [String] Right side input value. |
match_text | [String] String you like to output if match found. Use $1 to return left side value (i.e. value1). Use $2 to return right side value (i.e. value2). If match_text parameter is missing and value matches then Input value is returned by default. |
not_match_text | [String] String you like to output if match not found. Use $1 to return left side value (i.e. value1). Use $2 to return right side value (i.e. value2). If not_match_text parameter is missing and value does not match then blank value is returned by default. |
is_case_sensitive (Optional) | [Boolean] Specifies whether match is case sensitive or not. 1=Case-Sensitive search (Default=false i.e. operation is not case-sensitive by default) |
encode_function (Optional) | [String] Operation you like to perform on the input value before using in the custom_text. Possible functions are jsonenc, xmlenc, quote, base64enc (for string encoding) and jsondec, xmldec, base64dec for decoding. You can suffix "_w_quote" after operation name to quote around (i.e. jsonenc_w_quote) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<Abc|~|Eq|~|Abc|~|same|~|not same,FUN_IF>> | same | Check if both input values are same (ignore case by default). |
<<Abc|~|NotEq|~|Abc|~|not same|~|same,FUN_IF>> | same | Check if both input values are not same. |
<<Abc|~|Eq|~|Abc|~|Both same $1 and $2|~|Not same,FUN_IF>> | Both same Abc and Abc | Check if both input values are same or not. Notice $1 is used to refer value1 and $2 for value2 |
<<This is fine|~|Contains|~|fine|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check if word [fine] found. |
<<tHis Is FiNe|~|Contains|~|fine|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check if word [fine] found (By default it search for case-insensitive mode). |
<<This is FINE|~|Contains|~|fine|~|YES|~|NO|~|true,FUN_IF>> | NO | Check if word [fine] found. Do case-sensitive search. |
<<This is fine|~|Contains|~|fine|~|YES|~|NO|~|true|~|base64enc,FUN_IF>> | VGhpcyBpcyBmaW5l | Check if word [fine] found. If found return encoded value of value1 string. |
<<This is fine|~|NotContains|~|fine|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | NO | Check if word [fine] is not found. |
<<10|~|Lt|~|20|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check if Left side value is less than right side value. |
<<20|~|Gt|~|10|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check if Left side value is greater than right side value. |
<<Abc123|~|StartsWith|~|Abc|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check if value starts with specific string. |
<<Abc123|~|EndsWith|~|123|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check if value ends with specific string. |
<<Some 123|~|Regx|~|\d+|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check regular expression \d+ (see if number found in the string). |
<<Some 123|~|NotRegx|~|\d+|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | NO | Check regular expression \d+ not found (see if number not found in the string). |
<<5|~|In|~|1,2,3,4,5,6,7|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check if input found in the list of values (separated by comma). |
<<10|~|NotIn|~|1,2,3,4,5,6,7|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check if input not found in the list of values (separated by comma). |
<<5|~|Between|~|0#10|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check if input numeric value between two values (separated by #). |
<<2012-06-01|~|Between|~|2012-01-01#2012-12-31|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_IF>> | YES | Check if input date value between two values (separated by #). |
Match for regular expression string pattern and return match condition if found else return non match condition
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] The string to be checked for pattern. |
search_pattern | [String] Regular expression pattern you like to search for. |
match_string | [String] Pattern or static string to return if matched. You can use $1 (input string) or use Regex extract string e.g. {{x,y}} or {{x}} where x is occurrence number (starts at 0) and y is pattern group number or name. For x you can use * to include all occurrences. For more information check this link |
not_match_string | [String] Static string for else part. You can use $1 anywhere in string to replace with input string |
is_case_sensitive (Optional) | [Boolean] Specifies whether search pattern is case sensitive or not. 1=Case-Sensitive search (Default=false) |
encode_function (Optional) | [String] Operation you like to perform on the input value before using in the custom_text. Possible functions are jsonenc, xmlenc, quote, base64enc (for string encoding) and jsondec, xmldec, base64dec for decoding. You can suffix "_w_quote" after operation name to quote around (i.e. jsonenc_w_quote) |
multi_match_separator (Optional) | [Boolean] Specifies whether search pattern is case sensitive or not. 1=Case-Sensitive search (Default=false) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<Abc-123|~|\d+|~|Found|~|Not Found,FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> | Found | Check for number in input string if match return [Found] static string else [Not Found] |
<<Abc-123|~|\d+|~|Number Found in $1|~|Not Found,FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> | Number Found in Abc-123 | Check for number in input string if match then return [Number Found in [input_string]] else [Not Found]. $1 is replaced by input string in output |
<<Abc-Xyz|~|\d+|~|Found|~|Number Not Found in $1,FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> | Number Not Found in Abc-Xyz | Check for number in input string if not match then return [Number Not Found in [input_string]] static string else [Found]. $1 is replaced by input string in output |
<<Abc-Xyz|~|\d+|~|Found|~|Number Not Found in $1,FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> | Not Found | Check for number in input string if match return [Found] static string else [Not Found] |
<<Abc-123|~|\d+|~||~|Not Found,FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> | Abc-123 | Check for number in input string if match return [Found] static string else [Not Found] |
<<Abc-123|~|\d+|~|$1|~|Not Found,FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> | Abc-123 | Check for number in input string if match return [Found] static string else [Not Found] |
<<|~|(\w+)+@(\w+\.com)|~|{{0,2}}|~|Not Found|~|true,FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> | | Check for @gmail domain (Search case-sensitive mode) in emails and return first match and 2nd group which is domain part (i.e. {{0,2}}), perform case-sensitive search (true). |
<<|~|(\w+)+@(?<domain>\w+\.com)|~|{{0,domain}}|~|Not Found|~|true,FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> | | Check for @gmail domain (Search case-sensitive mode) in emails and return first match and named group [domain] and perform case-sensitive search (true). |
<<|~|(\w+)+@(\w+\.com)|~|{{*,2}}|~|Not Found|~|true|~||~|{space},FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> | | Check for emails in the input string, perforce case-sensitive search (true) if match return only domain part ({{*,2}}) from match, get all occurrences and join with space. |
<<Abc-123|~|\d+|~|$1|~|Not Found,FUN_IF_REGEX_MATCH>> | Abc-123 | Check for number in input string if match return [Found] static string else [Not Found] |
Returns custom string by matching one or more conditions (CASE statement). If no match found default_value (last argument) is returned if supplied else error is thrown. Condition match can be equal, contains, greater than, less than, in, between or regular expression.
Name | Description |
input_value | [String] input value to check with condition. |
condition_1 | [String] 1st condition. Condition to check with input value. Condition contains two parts, operator function and value to check with. Syntax = match_operator[--cs]:value_to_match. Valid match_operator is Eq (i.e. Equal), NotEq (i.e. Not Equal), Gt, GtEq, Lt, LtEq, Between, Contains, NotContains, StartsWith, EndsWith, RegX, NotRegX, In, NotIn. Add --cs after Operator name to make string compare Case-Sensitive e.g. AbCd|~|Eq--cs|~|ABCD returns no match, and AbCd|~|Eq|~|ABCD returns match (by default ignore-case ON). For In / NotIn operator use comma to define multiple values (e.g. some_color|~|In|~|red,blue,orange). For Between use # to separate 2 values (e.g. 100|~|Between|~|0#200) |
condition_2 (Optional) | [String] 2nd condition... |
condition_3 (Optional) | [String] 3rd condition... |
... (Optional) | [String] ... |
condition_N (Optional) | [String] Last condition |
default_value (Optional) | [String] Returns this default value if no match with any condition |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<red|~|IN:red,green,blue|~|primary color|~|other color,FUN_CASE>> | primary color | Check if input color is primary or not. |
<<Red|~|IN--cs:RED,GREEN,BLUE|~|match found|~|no match,FUN_CASE>> | no match | Example of case-sensitive match (adding --cs suffix after operator). |
<<2|~|EQ:1|~|Monday|~|EQ:2|~|Tuesday|~|EQ:3|~|Wednesday|~|not match,FUN_CASE>> | Tuesday | Check day number input_value (i.e. 2) with conditions and return matching value for the condition e.g. Tuesday in this case. |
<<50|~|Between:0#100|~|in range|~|not in range,FUN_CASE>> | in range | Check if input value number or date within range e.g. check if 50 (input) is Between 0 and 100 in this case. |
<<This is demo|~|EndsWith:demo|~|yes endswith demo|~|not match,FUN_CASE>> | yes endswith demo | Using EndWith operator. |
<<This is demo|~|EndsWith:demo|~|yes endswith demo|~|not match,FUN_CASE>> | yes endswith demo | Using EndWith operator. |
<<This is fine|~|EndsWith|~|fine|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_CASE>> | YES | Check if input ends with word [fine]. |
<<10|~|NotEq:20|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_CASE>> | YES | Check if Left side value is less than right side value. |
<<10|~|Lt:20|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_CASE>> | YES | Check if Left side value is less than right side value. |
<<20|~|Gt:10|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_CASE>> | YES | Check if Left side value is greater than right side value. |
<<Abc123|~|StartsWith:Abc|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_CASE>> | YES | Check if value starts with specific string. |
<<Abc123|~|EndsWith:123|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_CASE>> | YES | Check if value ends with specific string. |
<<Some 123|~|Regx:\d+|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_CASE>> | YES | Check regular expression \d+ (see if number found in the string). |
<<Some 123|~|NotRegx:\d+|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_CASE>> | NO | Check regular expression \d+ not found (see if number not found in the string). |
<<5|~|In:1,2,3,4,5|~|First Row|~|In:6,7,8,9,10|~|Second Row|~|Bad value,FUN_CASE>> | Row#1 | Check if input found in the list of values (separated by comma). |
<<10|~|NotIn:1,2,3,4,5,6,7|~|YES|~|NO,FUN_CASE>> | YES | Check if input not found in the list of values (separated by comma). |
<<2012-02-01|~|Between:2012-01-01#2012-3-31|~|Q1|~|Between:2012-04-01#2012-06-30|~|Q2|~|NOT MATCH,FUN_CASE>> | Q1 | Check if input date value between two values (separated by #). |
<<2012-02-01|~|NotBetween:2012-01-01#2012-3-31|~|Bad value|~|Good value,FUN_CASE>> | Good value | Check if input date value between two values (separated by #). |
Throws error if condition matched else returns blank string. If no match found then not_match_text is returned if supplied else error is thrown. Condition match can be equal, contains, greater than, less than, in, between or regular expression.
Name | Description |
value1 | [String] Left side input value. |
match_operator | [String] Operator function for match operator. Valid functions are Eq (Equal), NotEq (Not Equal), Gt, GtEq, Lt, LtEq, Between, Contains, NotContains, StartsWith, EndsWith, RegX, NotRegX, In, NotIn. Add --cs after Operator name to make string compare Case-Sensitive e.g. AbCd|~|Eq--cs|~|ABCD returns no match, and AbCd|~|Eq|~|ABCD returns match (by default ignore-case ON). For In / NotIn operator use comma to define multiple values (e.g. some_color|~|In|~|red,blue,orange). For Between use # to separate 2 values (e.g. 100|~|Between|~|0#200) |
value2 | [String] Right side input value. |
error_message_on_match | [String] Error message you like to output if condition match found. Use $1 placeholder in text to replace with left side value (i.e. value1). Use $2 to replace with right side value (i.e. value2). |
is_case_sensitive (Optional) | [Boolean] Specifies whether match is case sensitive or not. 1=Case-Sensitive search (Default=false i.e. operation is not case-sensitive by default) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<Abc|~|Eq|~|Abc|~|Both values cannot be same,FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Both values cannot be same | If both input values are same then throw error. |
<<Abc|~|Eq|~|abc|~|Both values cannot be same,FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Both values cannot be same | If both input values are same then throw error. |
<<Abc|~|Eq|~|abc|~|Both values cannot be same|~|True,FUN_THROW_IF>> | {blank string} | If both input values are same (case-sensitive match) then throw error. |
<<Abc|~|Eq|~|Abc|~|Both values (Value1=$1 and Value2=$2) cannot be same,FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Both values (Value1=Abc and Value2=Abc) cannot be same | If both input values are same then throw error and show value1 and value2 in the message. |
<<Abc|~|NotEq|~|Xyz|~|Both values cannot be different,FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Both values cannot be different | If both input values are different then throw error and show value1 and value2 in the message. |
<<This is fine|~|Contains|~|fine|~|Word 'fine' was not expected,FUN_THROW_IF>> | System.Exception: Word 'fine' was not expected | Check if word [fine] found then throw error. |
<<This is fine|~|NotContains|~|fine|~|Word 'fine' was expected but not found,FUN_THROW_IF>> | {blank string} | Check if word [fine] is found then do not throw error. Returns blank string if not match |
<<10|~|Lt|~|20|~|Input is less than 20,FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Input is less than 20 | Check if Left side value is less than right side value. If match throw error. |
<<20|~|Gt|~|10|~|Input is greater than 20,FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Input is greater than 20 | Check if Left side value is greater than right side value. If match throw error. |
<<Abc123|~|StartsWith|~|Abc|~|Cannot start with 'Abc',FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Cannot start with 'Abc' | Check if value starts with specific string. If match throw error. |
<<Abc123|~|EndsWith|~|123|~|Cannot ends with '123',FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Cannot end with '123' | Check if value ends with specific string. If match throw error. |
<<Some 123|~|Regx|~|\d+|~|Cannot have number in the string,FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Cannot have number in string | Check regular expression \d+ (see if number found in the string). If match throw error. |
<<Some 123|~|NotRegx|~|\d+|~|Must have number in the string,FUN_THROW_IF>> | {blank string} | Check regular expression \d+ not found (see if number not found in the string). If match throw error. |
<<5|~|In|~|1,2,3,4,5,6,7|~|Input must be not in $2,FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Input must be not in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 | Check if input found in the list of values (separated by comma). If match throw error. |
<<10|~|NotIn|~|1,2,3,4,5,6,7|~|Input must be in $2,FUN_THROW_IF>> | Error: Input must be in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 | Check if input not found in the list of values (separated by comma). If match throw error. |
<<5|~|Between|~|0#10|~|Input must be outside $2 number range,FUN_THROW_IF>> | YES | Check if input numeric value between two values (separated by #). If match throw error. |
<<2012-06-01|~|Between|~|2012-01-01#2012-12-31|~|Input must be outside $2 date range,FUN_THROW_IF>> | YES | Check if input date value between two values (separated by #). If match throw error. |
Search for string pattern using Regular expression and returns a new string with replaced value
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] The string to be replaced. |
search_pattern | [String] Regular expression pattern you like to search for. |
replace_with | [String] New string value you like to replace. |
is_case_sensitive (Optional) | [Boolean] Specifies whether search pattern is case sensitive or not. 1=Case-Sensitive search (Default=false) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<I like Cap0-red and Cap1-blue|~|Cap(\d+)-(\w+)|~|Hat$1-$2,FUN_REGEX_REPLACE>> | I like Hat0-red and Hat1-blue | You can use $1, $ Group indicator to extract sub values from pattern search. $1 represents first group (\d+) for cap number and $2 represents (\w+) for color |
<<I like CAP0-red and cap1-blue|~|CaP(\d+)-(\w+)|~|Hat$1-$2|~|1,FUN_REGEX_REPLACE>> | I like Hat0-red and Hat1-blue | Example of Case-Insensitive search. See last parameter is 1 rather than default 0 |
<<Line1 Line2|~|(\r\n)|~|-break-,FUN_REGEX_REPLACE>> | Line1-break-line2 | Example of replace new line character with something else |
Returns string match using Regular expression
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] The string to be replaced. |
search_pattern | [String] Regular expression pattern you like to search for. |
is_case_sensitive (Optional) | [Boolean] Specifies whether search pattern is case sensitive or not. 1=Case-Sensitive search (Default=false) |
is_required (Optional) | [Boolean] Indicates whether it should throws error if search pattern not found. BY default it returns blank string if pattern not found. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<I like Cap0-red and Cap1-blue|~|Cap(\d+)-(\w+),FUN_REGEX_EXTRACT>> | Cap0-red | Extracts first match from input text |
<<I like Cap0-red and Cap1-blue|~|Cap(\d+)-(\w+){{*}},FUN_REGEX_EXTRACT>> | Cap0-red Cap1-blue | Extracts all matches from input text (each match is separated by new line) |
<<I like Cap0-red and Cap1-blue|~|Cap(\d+)-(\w+){{-0,2}},FUN_REGEX_EXTRACT>> | blue | Extracts 2nd part (i.e. color) of last match from input text |
<<I like Cap0-red and Cap1-blue|~|Cap(\d+)-(\w+){{0,2}},FUN_REGEX_EXTRACT>> | red | Extracts 2nd part (i.e. color) of first match from input text |
<<I like Cap0-red and Cap1-blue|~|Cap(\d+)-(?<color>\w+){{0,color}},FUN_REGEX_EXTRACT>> | red | Extracts named group color of first match from input text |
<<I like Cap0-red and Cap1-blue|~|Cap(\d+)-(\w+){{*,2}},FUN_REGEX_EXTRACT>> | red blue | Extracts 2nd part (i.e. color) of all matches (i.e. color) from input text (each match is separated by new line) |
Generates a random string
Name | Description |
max_length (Optional) | [String] Maximum number of characters. Default=10 |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<FUN_RANDOM_STR>> | Asdhs^&jhd | Generate a random string (upto 10 characters by default) |
<<4,FUN_RANDOM_STR>> | As#1 | Generate a random string upto 4 characters |
MD5 Functions
Returns MD5 hash in Base64 format for specified input
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<ABC123,FUN_MD5>> | u/LerTdGVMuzKpF6/SNmVg== | MD5 Hash of string containing upper case and numbers |
<<abc123,FUN_MD5>> | 6ZoYxCjLONXyYIU2eJIuAw== | MD5 Hash of string containing lower case and numbers |
<<FUN_MD5>> | 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg== | MD5 Hash of blank string |
Returns MD5 hash in Hex format (all Uppercase). To output Hash in base64 use FUN_MD5. To output Hash in lowercase format use FUN_HASH_MD5_HEX
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<ABC123,FUN_MD5HEX>> | BBF2DEAD374654CBB32A917AFD236656 | MD5 Hash (in Hex format) of string containing upper case and numbers |
<<abc123,FUN_MD5HEX>> | E99A18C428CB38D5F260853678922E03 | MD5 Hash (in Hex format) of string containing lower case and numbers |
<<FUN_MD5HEX>> | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E | MD5 Hash (in Hex format) of blank string |
Returns File content MD5 hash in Base64 format for a specified file path. File content can be text or binary.
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] File path for which you like to calculate MD5 hash (path can be for text or binary data file - txt, json, exe, png, zip) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_FILE_MD5>> | u/LerTdGVMuzKpF6/SNmVg== | MD5 Hash of a ASCII file. Where file content is [ABC123]. |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_FILE_MD5>> | RoU9p6cBAq/t5ApxY9ADMQ== | MD5 Hash of a UTF8 file (with BOM). Where file content is [ABC123]. |
Returns File content MD5 hash in Hex format (rather than Base64) for a specified file path. File content can be text or binary.
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] File path for which you like to calculate MD5 hash (path can be for text or binary data file - txt, json, exe, png, zip) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_FILE_MD5HEX>> | BBF2DEAD374654CBB32A917AFD236656 | MD5 Hash of a ASCII file. Where file content is [ABC123]. |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_FILE_MD5HEX>> | 46853DA7A70102AFEDE40A7163D00331 | MD5 Hash of a UTF8 file (with BOM). Where file content is [ABC123]. |
File Functions
Returns file name from the input file path.
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Full path to a file. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_NAME>> | file1.txt | Returns file name from full path |
<<c:\somefolder\file1,FUN_FILE_NAME>> | file1 | Returns file name from full path (extension less file name example) |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_NAME>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns file size (in bytes) for a single file or multiple files using wildcard pattern match.
Name | Description |
file_path_or_pattern | [String] Full file path or wildcard pattern to calculate file size. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_SIZE>> | 1024 | Returns file size for a single file (e.g. for a 1KB file it returns 1024) |
<<c:\somefolder\file*.*,FUN_FILE_SIZE>> | 2048 | Returns file size for multiple files using wildcard pattern. |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_SIZE>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path or pattern (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns file size (in bytes) for a single file or multiple files using wildcard pattern match. This function scans child folders too for wildcard pattern search.
Name | Description |
file_path_or_pattern | [String] Full file path or wildcard pattern to calculate file size. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_SIZE_RECURSIVE>> | 1024 | Returns file size for a single file (e.g. for a 1KB file it returns 1024) |
<<c:\somefolder\file*.*,FUN_FILE_SIZE_RECURSIVE>> | 2048 | Returns file size for multiple files using wildcard pattern. |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_SIZE_RECURSIVE>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path or pattern (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns total file count for a given wildcard pattern match.
Name | Description |
file_path_pattern | [String] Full file path with wildcard pattern to search for. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file*.*,FUN_FILE_COUNT>> | 2 | Returns file count for multiple files using wildcard pattern. |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_COUNT>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path or pattern (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns total file count for a given wildcard pattern match. This function scans child folders too for wildcard pattern search.
Name | Description |
file_path_pattern | [String] Full file path with wildcard pattern to search for. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file*.*,FUN_FILE_COUNT_RECURSIVE>> | 2 | Returns file count for multiple files using wildcard pattern. |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_COUNT_RECURSIVE>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path or pattern (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns file(s) exists status (True or False) for a single file or multiple files using wildcard pattern match.
Name | Description |
file_path_or_pattern | [String] Full file path or wildcard pattern to calculate file size. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_EXITS>> | True | Returns file exists status (True if file found else returns False) |
<<c:\somefolder\file*.*,FUN_FILE_EXITS>> | True | Returns file exists status for multiple files using wildcard pattern search. Returns True if atleast one file found for a given pattern. |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_EXITS>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path or pattern (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns file(s) exists status (True or False) for a single file or multiple files using wildcard pattern match. This function scans child folders too for wildcard pattern search.
Name | Description |
file_path_or_pattern | [String] Full file path or wildcard pattern to calculate file size. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_EXITS_RECURSIVE>> | True | Returns file exists status (True if file found else returns False) |
<<c:\somefolder\file*.*,FUN_FILE_EXITS_RECURSIVE>> | True | Returns file exists status for multiple files using wildcard pattern search. Returns True if atleast one file found for a given pattern. |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_EXITS_RECURSIVE>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path or pattern (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns file extension for a given file path.
Name | Description |
file_name_or_path | [String] Full path to a file. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<file1.txt,FUN_FILE_EXTENSION>> | .txt | Returns file extension from a file name |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_EXTENSION>> | .txt | Returns file extension from a full file path |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_EXTENSION>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns encoding type from the input file path. Possible return values are: ASCII, UTF8, UTF8WithoutBOM, UTF16, UTF16WithoutBOM, UTF32, UTF32WithoutBOM, UTF7, UTF7WithoutBOM, BigEndian, BigEndianWithoutBOM
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Full path to a file. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_ENCODING>> | UTF8 | Returns encoding for UTF-8 file |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_ENCODING>> | UTF8WithoutBOM | Returns encoding for UTF-8 file without BOM (i.e. Byte-Order-Mark) |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_ENCODING>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns lock status (True or False) from the input file path. If Some Program is locking file then returns True else False.
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Full path to a file. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.xlsx,FUN_FILE_ISLOCKED>> | True | Returns true if file is being locked by some program. |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_ISLOCKED>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns directory name for a given file path.
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Full path to a file. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_DIRECTORY>> | somefolder | Returns folder name of a file path |
<<c:\somefolder\file1_no_extension,FUN_FILE_DIRECTORY>> | somefolder | Returns folder name of a file path |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_DIRECTORY>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns file age in days based on CreationDate of the file. (e.g. If file was created 5 days ago then it returns 5).
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Full path to a file. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_AGE_CREATE>> | 5 | In this example file was created 5 days ago so returns 5 |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_AGE_CREATE>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns file age in days based on LastModifiedDate of the file. (e.g. If file was edited 5 days ago then it returns 5).
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Full path to a file. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_AGE_LASTEDIT>> | 5 | In this example file was edited 5 days ago so returns 5 |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_AGE_LASTEDIT>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path (cannot end with / or \) |
Returns file creation date in ISO date format (i.e. 2021-12-31T23:59:59.123).
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Full path to a file. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_CREATE_DATE>> | 2021-12-31T23:59:59.123 | Returns file create date including time upto 3 digits milliseconds |
Returns file last edit date in ISO date format (i.e. 2021-12-31T23:59:59.123).
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Full path to a file. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_LASTEDIT_DATE>> | 2021-12-31T23:59:59.123 | Returns file last edit date including time upto 3 digits milliseconds |
Returns BASE64 encoded string of local file content (binary or text).
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] File path for which you like encode content as Base64. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\someimage.png,FUN_FILE_BASE64ENC>> | bXl1c2V..........Ac3NXb3Jk | This returns base64 encoded string of binary file (png) |
Returns file name from the input file path.
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Full path to a file. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder\file1.txt,FUN_FILE_NAME>> | file1.txt | Returns file name from full path |
<<c:\somefolder\file1,FUN_FILE_NAME>> | file1 | Returns file name from full path (extension less file name example) |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FILE_NAME>> | Error | Bad path example. Path must be a valid file path (cannot end with / or \) |
Reads local file and returns content as string
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Input file path from which you like to read content as text. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<C:\file.txt,FUN_FILE_READ>> | Some data from file | |
<<\\mysharedfolder\file.txt,FUN_FILE_READ>> | Some data from file | |
Write content to a file. Returns file size if successful. If its append mode then returns appended text length.
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Target file path where you like to write text data. |
content | [String] Text you want to write to the file. |
overwrite | [String] Overwrite if file already exits If file exists? (Default=False i.e. Do not overwrite if file already found and throw error) |
append | [String] Append data to file (Default=false) |
create_target_folder_if_missing | [String] Create Target Folder if not found before creating a file. (Default=false) |
encoding | [String] Encoding for a new file to be created. Possible values are: ASCII, UTF8, UTF8WithoutBOM, UTF16, UTF16WithoutBOM, UTF32, UTF32WithoutBOM, UTF7, UTF7WithoutBOM, BigEndian, BigEndianWithoutBOM. Default=UTF8 |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<C:\file.txt|~|Abcd1234,FUN_FILE_WRITE>> | 11 | Writes some data to file (Default - fail if file exists). Returns file size. |
<<C:\file.txt|~|Abcd1234|~|True,FUN_FILE_WRITE>> | 11 | Overwrite if file exists. |
<<C:\file.txt|~|Abcd1234|~|True|~|True,FUN_FILE_WRITE>> | 11 | Append data to file (along with Overwrite=True) |
<<C:\file.txt|~|Abcd1234|~|True|~|True|~|True,FUN_FILE_WRITE>> | 11 | Create Target folder if not found (along with Overwrite=True, Append=True). |
<<C:\file.txt|~|Abcd1234|~|True|~|True|~|True|~|ASCII,FUN_FILE_WRITE>> | 8 | Set file encoding (along with Overwrite=True, Append=True, CreateTargetFolder=True). |
Writes input base64 string to a file as decoded binary data. Returns file size if successful. If its append mode then returns appended byte array size.
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Target file path where you like to write binary data. |
content_base64 | [String] Data you want to write to the file (Data must be in base64 format. It can be text or byte array - convert to base64 and pass as content to write). |
overwrite | [String] Overwrite if file already exits If file exists? (Default=False i.e. Do not overwrite if file already found and throw error) |
append | [String] Append data to file (Default=false) |
create_target_folder_if_missing | [String] Create Target Folder if not found before creating a file. (Default=false) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<C:\file.txt|~|VGVzdDEyMw==,FUN_FILE_WRITE_BINARY>> | 8 | Writes some data (i.e. Abcd1234 in this example) to a file. Lets say you like to write Abcd1234 to a file then convert data to Base64 which is VGVzdDEyMw== and pass as input. You can convert Byte array as base64 too. (Default - fail if file exists). Returns file size. |
<<C:\file.txt|~|VGVzdDEyMw==|~|True,FUN_FILE_WRITE_BINARY>> | 8 | Overwrite if file exists. |
<<C:\file.txt|~|VGVzdDEyMw==|~|True|~|True,FUN_FILE_WRITE_BINARY>> | 8 | Append data to a file (along with Overwrite=True) |
<<C:\file.txt|~|VGVzdDEyMw==|~|True|~|True|~|True,FUN_FILE_WRITE_BINARY>> | 8 | Create Target folder if not found (along with Overwrite=True, Append=True). |
Folder Functions
Returns folder name from the path.
Name | Description |
folder_path | [String] Full path to a folder. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder,FUN_FOLDER_NAME>> | somefolder | Returns folder name from a full path |
<<c:\somefolder\,FUN_FOLDER_NAME>> | somefolder | Returns folder name from a full path (ending with slash) |
Returns folder size in bytes (including files from sub folders).
Name | Description |
folder_path | [String] Full folder path to calculate size. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder,FUN_FOLDER_SIZE>> | 1024 | Returns size for a folder including subfolders if any |
Returns folder exists status (True or False).
Name | Description |
folder_path | [String] Full path for a folder. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder,FUN_FOLDER_EXITS>> | True | Returns folder exists status (True if found else returns False) |
Returns file count of a folder (including files from sub folders).
Name | Description |
folder_path | [String] Folder path to count files. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder,FUN_FOLDER_FILECOUNT>> | 3 | Returns total file count for a folder (including subfolders files if any) |
Returns folder age in days based on CreationDate of the folder. (e.g. If folder was created 5 days ago then it returns 5).
Name | Description |
folder_path | [String] Full path to a folder. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder,FUN_FOLDER_AGE_CREATE>> | 5 | In this example folder was created 5 days ago so returns 5 |
Returns folder creation date in ISO date format (i.e. 2021-12-31T23:59:59.123).
Name | Description |
folder_path | [String] Full path to a folder. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\somefolder,FUN_FOLDER_CREATE_DATE>> | 2021-12-31T23:59:59.123 | Returns folder create date including time upto 3 digits milliseconds |
HTTP / URL Functions
Calls HTTP request and returns response data (text or binary) as string from an URL (Supports GET, POST, PUT with Body/Headers...)
Name | Description |
url | [String] URL for which you like to read data. |
method (Optional) | [String] HTTP request method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc. To send body for GET method use method as GET-WITH-BODY and supply Body parameter. |
body | [String] Body text. |
headers (Optional) | [String] Extra headers for HTTP request. Use double pipe (e.g ||) to supply multiple headers name/value pairs (e.g. {headername1:value||headername2:value...}. |
ignore_certificate_errors (Optional) | [Boolean] Ignore certificate related error(s). Set this to true if you like to trust self-sign certificate or ignore errors like expired certificate or certificate not trusted. |
is_multipart_upload (Optional) | [Boolean] Set this option if you want to upload file(s) (i.e. POST RAW file data) or send data using Multi-Part encoding method (i.e. Content-Type: multipart/form-data). Multi-Part request allows you to mix key/value and upload files in same request. On the other hand raw upload allows only single file upload (without any key/value)
==== Raw Upload (Content-Type: application/octet-stream) ===== To upload single file in raw mode check this option and specify full file path starting with @ sign in the Body (e.g. @c:\data\ )
==== Form-Data / Multipart Upload (Content-Type: multipart/form-data) ===== To treat your Request data as multi part fields you must specify key/value pairs separated by new lines into RequestData field (i.e. Body). Each key value pair is entered on new-line and key/value are separated using equal sign (=). Preceding and trailing spaces are ignored also blank lines are ignored. If field value has some any special character(s) then use escape sequence (e.g. For NewLine: \r\n, For Tab: \t, For at (@): \@). When value of any field starts with at sign (@) its automatically treated as File you want to upload. By default file content type is determined based on extension however you can supply content type manually for any field using this way [ YourFileFieldName.Content-Type=some-content-type ]. By default File Upload Field always includes Content-Type in the request (non file fields do not have content-type by default unless you supply manually). For some reason if you dont want to use Content-Type header in your request then supply blank Content-Type to exclude this header altogather [e.g. SomeFieldName.Content-Type= ]. In below example we have supplied Content-Type for file2 and SomeField1, all other fields are using default content-type. See below Example of uploading multiple files along with additional fields. If some API requires you to pass Content-Type: multipart/form-data rather than multipart/form-data then manually set Request Header => Content-Type: multipart/mixed (it must starts with multipart/ else will be ignored).
file1=@c:\data\Myfile1.txt file2=@c:\data\Myfile2.json file2.Content-Type=application/json SomeField1=aaaaaaa SomeField1.Content-Type=text/plain SomeField2=12345 SomeFieldWithNewLineAndTab=This is line1\r\nThis is line2\r\nThis is \ttab \ttab \ttab SomeFieldStartingWithAtSign=\@MyTwitterHandle
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<¶m2=bbb,FUN_HTTP_READ>> | {"args": {},..."url": ...} | This returns JSON data from a HTTP GET request |
<<|~|POST|~|{some-body-text},FUN_HTTP_READ>> | {"args": {}, "data": "some-body-text"..."url": ...} | This returns data from a HTTP request with Body (POST/PUT/PATCH etc) |
<<|~|POST|~|{some-body-text}|~|x-header1:aaa||x-header2:bbb,FUN_HTTP_READ>> | {"args": {}, "data": "some-body-text"..."url": ...} | This returns data from a HTTP request with Body and Headers |
<<|~|POST|~|{some-body-text}|~|x-header1:aaa||x-header2:bbb|~|true,FUN_HTTP_READ>> | {"args": {}, "data": "some-body-text"..."url": ...} | This returns data from a HTTP request where SSL certificate errors are ignored (e.g. Trust expired / self-signed certificate) |
<<|~|POST|~|@c:\temp\dump.png|~||~|false|~|true,FUN_HTTP_READ>> | {"args": {},..."files": {"": "data:application/octet-stream;base64,77u/ZHQs........MSINCg=="}...} | This example shows how to upload local file to remote server (Binary upload mode) |
<<|~|POST|~|file1=@c:\temp\dump.png file2=@c:\temp\dump.json some-label1=abcd some-label2=abcd|~||~|false|~|true,FUN_HTTP_READ>> | {"args": {},..."files": {"": "data:application/octet-stream;base64,77u/ZHQs........MSINCg=="}...} | This example shows how to upload local file to remote server using multipart/form-data upload mode and read response data. |
Calls HTTP request and returns response data (text or binary) as Base64 string from an URL (Supports GET, POST, PUT with Body/Headers...)
Name | Description |
url | [String] URL for which you like to read data (binary or text data). |
method (Optional) | [String] HTTP request method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc. To send body for GET method use method as GET-WITH-BODY and supply Body parameter. Default=GET |
body | [String] Body text. |
headers (Optional) | [String] Extra headers for HTTP request. Use double pipe (e.g ||) to supply multiple headers name/value pairs (e.g. {headername1:value||headername2:value...}. |
ignore_certificate_errors (Optional) | [Boolean] Ignore certificate related error(s). Set this to true if you like to trust self-sign certificate or ignore errors like expired certificate or certificate not trusted. Default=false |
is_multipart_upload (Optional) | [Boolean] Set this option if you want to upload file(s) (i.e. POST RAW file data) or send data using Multi-Part encoding method (i.e. Content-Type: multipart/form-data). Multi-Part request allows you to mix key/value and upload files in same request. On the other hand raw upload allows only single file upload (without any key/value)
==== Raw Upload (Content-Type: application/octet-stream) ===== To upload single file in raw mode check this option and specify full file path starting with @ sign in the Body (e.g. @c:\data\ )
==== Form-Data / Multipart Upload (Content-Type: multipart/form-data) ===== To treat your Request data as multi part fields you must specify key/value pairs separated by new lines into RequestData field (i.e. Body). Each key value pair is entered on new-line and key/value are separated using equal sign (=). Preceding and trailing spaces are ignored also blank lines are ignored. If field value has some any special character(s) then use escape sequence (e.g. For NewLine: \r\n, For Tab: \t, For at (@): \@). When value of any field starts with at sign (@) its automatically treated as File you want to upload. By default file content type is determined based on extension however you can supply content type manually for any field using this way [ YourFileFieldName.Content-Type=some-content-type ]. By default File Upload Field always includes Content-Type in the request (non file fields do not have content-type by default unless you supply manually). For some reason if you dont want to use Content-Type header in your request then supply blank Content-Type to exclude this header altogather [e.g. SomeFieldName.Content-Type= ]. In below example we have supplied Content-Type for file2 and SomeField1, all other fields are using default content-type. See below Example of uploading multiple files along with additional fields. If some API requires you to pass Content-Type: multipart/form-data rather than multipart/form-data then manually set Request Header => Content-Type: multipart/mixed (it must starts with multipart/ else will be ignored).
file1=@c:\data\Myfile1.txt file2=@c:\data\Myfile2.json file2.Content-Type=application/json SomeField1=aaaaaaa SomeField1.Content-Type=text/plain SomeField2=12345 SomeFieldWithNewLineAndTab=This is line1\r\nThis is line2\r\nThis is \ttab \ttab \ttab SomeFieldStartingWithAtSign=\@MyTwitterHandle
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<,FUN_HTTP_READ_BINARY>> | iVBORw.....many more.....VORK5CYII= | This returns base64 encoded string of HTTP response data (in this example png file) |
<<|~|POST|~|{some-body-text},FUN_HTTP_READ_BINARY>> | e3NvbWUtYm9keS10ZXh0fQ== | This returns base64 encoded string of a HTTP request with Body (POST/PUT/PATCH etc) |
<<|~|POST|~|{some-body-text}|~|x-header1:aaa||x-header2:bbb,FUN_HTTP_READ_BINARY>> | e3NvbWUtYm9keS10ZXh0fQ== | This returns base64 encoded string of a HTTP request with Body and Headers |
<<|~|POST|~|{some-body-text}|~|x-header1:aaa||x-header2:bbb|~|true,FUN_HTTP_READ_BINARY>> | e3NvbWUtYm9keS10ZXh0fQ== | This returns base64 encoded string of a HTTP request where SSL certificate errors are ignored (e.g. Trust expired / self-signed certificate) |
<<|~|POST|~|@c:\temp\dump.png|~||~|false|~|true,FUN_HTTP_READ_BINARY>> | {"args": {},..."files": {"": "data:application/octet-stream;base64,77u/ZHQs........MSINCg=="}...} | This example shows how to upload local file to remote server (Binary upload mode) |
<<|~|POST|~|file1=@c:\temp\dump.png file2=@c:\temp\dump.json some-label1=abcd some-label2=abcd|~||~|false|~|true,FUN_HTTP_READ_BINARY>> | {"args": {},..."files": {"": "data:application/octet-stream;base64,77u/ZHQs........MSINCg=="}...} | This example shows how to upload local file to remote server using multipart/form-data upload mode and read response data back. |
Calls HTTP request and saves response (text or binary) to a local disk file and returns file size in bytes (Supports GET, POST, PUT with Body/Headers...)
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Local disk file path to where you like to save HTTP response data (binary or text data). Supply encoding if its text response (e.g. JSON / XML / CSV). |
url | [String] URL for which you like to read data (binary or text data). |
method (Optional) | [String] HTTP request method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc. To send body for GET method use method as GET-WITH-BODY and supply Body parameter. |
body | [String] Body text. |
headers (Optional) | [String] Extra headers for HTTP request. Use double pipe (e.g ||) to supply multiple headers name/value pairs (e.g. {headername1:value||headername2:value...}. |
ignore_certificate_errors (Optional) | [Boolean] Ignore certificate related error(s). Set this to true if you like to trust self-sign certificate or ignore errors like expired certificate or certificate not trusted. |
is_multipart_upload (Optional) | [Boolean] Set this option if you want to upload file(s) (i.e. POST RAW file data) or send data using Multi-Part encoding method (i.e. Content-Type: multipart/form-data). Multi-Part request allows you to mix key/value and upload files in same request. On the other hand raw upload allows only single file upload (without any key/value)
==== Raw Upload (Content-Type: application/octet-stream) ===== To upload single file in raw mode check this option and specify full file path starting with @ sign in the Body (e.g. @c:\data\ )
==== Form-Data / Multipart Upload (Content-Type: multipart/form-data) ===== To treat your Request data as multi part fields you must specify key/value pairs separated by new lines into RequestData field (i.e. Body). Each key value pair is entered on new-line and key/value are separated using equal sign (=). Preceding and trailing spaces are ignored also blank lines are ignored. If field value has some any special character(s) then use escape sequence (e.g. For NewLine: \r\n, For Tab: \t, For at (@): \@). When value of any field starts with at sign (@) its automatically treated as File you want to upload. By default file content type is determined based on extension however you can supply content type manually for any field using this way [ YourFileFieldName.Content-Type=some-content-type ]. By default File Upload Field always includes Content-Type in the request (non file fields do not have content-type by default unless you supply manually). For some reason if you dont want to use Content-Type header in your request then supply blank Content-Type to exclude this header altogather [e.g. SomeFieldName.Content-Type= ]. In below example we have supplied Content-Type for file2 and SomeField1, all other fields are using default content-type. See below Example of uploading multiple files along with additional fields. If some API requires you to pass Content-Type: multipart/form-data rather than multipart/form-data then manually set Request Header => Content-Type: multipart/mixed (it must starts with multipart/ else will be ignored).
file1=@c:\data\Myfile1.txt file2=@c:\data\Myfile2.json file2.Content-Type=application/json SomeField1=aaaaaaa SomeField1.Content-Type=text/plain SomeField2=12345 SomeFieldWithNewLineAndTab=This is line1\r\nThis is line2\r\nThis is \ttab \ttab \ttab SomeFieldStartingWithAtSign=\@MyTwitterHandle
overwrite_target (Optional) | [String] Specifies whether you like to overwrite target file where you like to save response data from HTTP call. Default=true. |
append (Optional) | [String] Specifies whether you like to append data to target file. Default=false. |
create_folder_if_missing (Optional) | [String] Specifies whether you like to create a folder for target path if missing. Default=true. |
encoding (Optional) | [String] Encoding for target file. Default=UTF8. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~|¶m2=bbb,FUN_HTTP_WRITE>> | {"args": {},..."url": ...} | This calls HTTP GET request and saves response to output.json. It returns file size. |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~||~|POST|~|{some-body-text},FUN_HTTP_WRITE>> | {"args": {}, "data": "some-body-text"..."url": ...} | This calls HTTP POST request (using Body) and saves response to output.json. It returns file size. |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~||~|POST|~|{some-body-text}|~|x-header1:aaa||x-header2:bbb,FUN_HTTP_WRITE>> | {"args": {}, "data": "some-body-text"..."url": ...} | This calls HTTP POST request using Body and custom headers. It saves response to output.json. It returns file size. |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~||~|POST|~|{some-body-text}|~|x-header1:aaa||x-header2:bbb|~|true,FUN_HTTP_WRITE>> | {"args": {}, "data": "some-body-text"..."url": ...} | This returns data from a HTTP request where SSL certificate errors are ignored (e.g. Trust expired / self-signed certificate) |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~||~|POST|~|@c:\temp\dump.png|~||~|false|~|true,FUN_HTTP_WRITE>> | {"args": {},..."files": {"": "data:application/octet-stream;base64,77u/ZHQs........MSINCg=="}...} | This example shows how to upload local file to remote server (Binary upload mode). |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~||~|POST|~|file1=@c:\temp\dump.png file2=@c:\temp\dump.json some-label1=abcd some-label2=abcd|~||~|false|~|true,FUN_HTTP_WRITE>> | {"args": {},..."files": {"": "data:application/octet-stream;base64,77u/ZHQs........MSINCg=="}...} | This example shows how to upload local file to remote server using multipart/form-data upload mode and read response data back. |
Calls HTTP request and saves response (text or binary) to a local disk file and returns file size in bytes (Supports GET, POST, PUT with Body/Headers...)
Name | Description |
file_path | [String] Local disk file path to where you like to save HTTP response data (binary or text data). Supply encoding if its text response (e.g. JSON / XML / CSV). |
url | [String] URL for which you like to read data (binary or text data). |
method (Optional) | [String] HTTP request method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc. To send body for GET method use method as GET-WITH-BODY and supply Body parameter. |
body | [String] Body text. |
headers (Optional) | [String] Extra headers for HTTP request. Use double pipe (e.g ||) to supply multiple headers name/value pairs (e.g. {headername1:value||headername2:value...}. |
ignore_certificate_errors (Optional) | [Boolean] Ignore certificate related error(s). Set this to true if you like to trust self-sign certificate or ignore errors like expired certificate or certificate not trusted. |
is_multipart_upload (Optional) | [Boolean] Set this option if you want to upload file(s) (i.e. POST RAW file data) or send data using Multi-Part encoding method (i.e. Content-Type: multipart/form-data). Multi-Part request allows you to mix key/value and upload files in same request. On the other hand raw upload allows only single file upload (without any key/value)
==== Raw Upload (Content-Type: application/octet-stream) ===== To upload single file in raw mode check this option and specify full file path starting with @ sign in the Body (e.g. @c:\data\ )
==== Form-Data / Multipart Upload (Content-Type: multipart/form-data) ===== To treat your Request data as multi part fields you must specify key/value pairs separated by new lines into RequestData field (i.e. Body). Each key value pair is entered on new-line and key/value are separated using equal sign (=). Preceding and trailing spaces are ignored also blank lines are ignored. If field value has some any special character(s) then use escape sequence (e.g. For NewLine: \r\n, For Tab: \t, For at (@): \@). When value of any field starts with at sign (@) its automatically treated as File you want to upload. By default file content type is determined based on extension however you can supply content type manually for any field using this way [ YourFileFieldName.Content-Type=some-content-type ]. By default File Upload Field always includes Content-Type in the request (non file fields do not have content-type by default unless you supply manually). For some reason if you dont want to use Content-Type header in your request then supply blank Content-Type to exclude this header altogather [e.g. SomeFieldName.Content-Type= ]. In below example we have supplied Content-Type for file2 and SomeField1, all other fields are using default content-type. See below Example of uploading multiple files along with additional fields. If some API requires you to pass Content-Type: multipart/form-data rather than multipart/form-data then manually set Request Header => Content-Type: multipart/mixed (it must starts with multipart/ else will be ignored).
file1=@c:\data\Myfile1.txt file2=@c:\data\Myfile2.json file2.Content-Type=application/json SomeField1=aaaaaaa SomeField1.Content-Type=text/plain SomeField2=12345 SomeFieldWithNewLineAndTab=This is line1\r\nThis is line2\r\nThis is \ttab \ttab \ttab SomeFieldStartingWithAtSign=\@MyTwitterHandle
overwrite_target (Optional) | [String] Specifies whether you like to overwrite target file where you like to save response data from HTTP call. Default=true. |
append (Optional) | [String] Specifies whether you like to append data to target file. Default=false. |
create_folder_if_missing (Optional) | [String] Specifies whether you like to create a folder for target path if missing. Default=true. |
encoding (Optional) | [String] Encoding for target file. Default=No encoding (e.g. ANSI). |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\temp\output.png|~|,FUN_HTTP_WRITE_BINARY>> | 8090 | This saves HTTP response (png file) to a local file and returns size of the file (e.g. 8090 bytes) |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~|¶m2=bbb,FUN_HTTP_WRITE_BINARY>> | {"args": {},..."url": ...} | This calls HTTP GET request and saves response to output.json. It returns file size. |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~||~|POST|~|{some-body-text},FUN_HTTP_WRITE_BINARY>> | {"args": {}, "data": "some-body-text"..."url": ...} | This calls HTTP POST request (using Body) and saves response to output.json. It returns file size. |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~||~|POST|~|{some-body-text}|~|x-header1:aaa||x-header2:bbb,FUN_HTTP_WRITE_BINARY>> | {"args": {}, "data": "some-body-text"..."url": ...} | This calls HTTP POST request using Body and custom headers. It saves response to output.json. It returns file size. |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~||~|POST|~|{some-body-text}|~|x-header1:aaa||x-header2:bbb|~|true,FUN_HTTP_WRITE_BINARY>> | {"args": {}, "data": "some-body-text"..."url": ...} | This returns data from a HTTP request where SSL certificate errors are ignored (e.g. Trust expired / self-signed certificate) |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~||~|POST|~|@c:\temp\dump.png|~||~|false|~|true,FUN_HTTP_WRITE_BINARY>> | {"args": {},..."files": {"": "data:application/octet-stream;base64,77u/ZHQs........MSINCg=="}...} | This example shows how to upload local file to remote server (Binary upload mode). |
<<c:\temp\output.json|~||~|POST|~|file1=@c:\temp\dump.png file2=@c:\temp\dump.json some-label1=abcd some-label2=abcd|~||~|false|~|true,FUN_HTTP_WRITE_BINARY>> | {"args": {},..."files": {"": "data:application/octet-stream;base64,77u/ZHQs........MSINCg=="}...} | This example shows how to upload local file to remote server using multipart/form-data upload mode and read response data back. |
Hash Functions
Returns MD5 hash in Base64 format for specified input string
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<ABC123,FUN_HASH_MD5>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of string (text: ABC123) in Base64 format |
<<abc123,FUN_HASH_MD5>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of string (text: abc123) in Base64 format |
<<FUN_HASH_MD5>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of blank string in Base64 format |
Returns MD5 hash in HEX format for specified input string. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_MD5 function.
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<ABC123,FUN_HASH_MD5_HEX>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of string (text: ABC123) in HEX format |
<<abc123,FUN_HASH_MD5_HEX>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of string (text: abc123) in HEX format |
<<FUN_HASH_MD5_HEX>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of blank string in HEX format |
Returns MD5 hash in Base64 format for specified input file
Name | Description |
input_file | [String] Input file you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_MD5>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of file (text: ABC123) in Base64 format |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_MD5>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of file (text: abc123) in Base64 format |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_MD5>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of blank file in Base64 format |
Returns MD5 hash in HEX format for specified input file. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_MD5 function.
Name | Description |
input_file | [String] Input file you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_MD5_HEX>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of file (text: ABC123) in HEX format |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_MD5_HEX>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of file (text: abc123) in HEX format |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_MD5_HEX>> | ??? | MD5 Hash of blank file in HEX format |
Returns SHA1 hash in Base64 format for specified input string
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<ABC123,FUN_HASH_SHA1>> | ??? | SHA1 Hash of string (text: ABC123) in Base64 format |
<<abc123,FUN_HASH_SHA1>> | ??? | SHA1 Hash of string (text: abc123) in Base64 format |
<<FUN_HASH_SHA1>> | ??? | SHA1 Hash of blank string in Base64 format |
Returns SHA1 hash in HEX format for specified input string. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_SHA1 function.
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<ABC123,FUN_HASH_SHA1_HEX>> | ??? | SHA1 Hash of string (text: ABC123) in HEX format |
<<abc123,FUN_HASH_SHA1_HEX>> | ??? | SHA1 Hash of string (text: abc123) in HEX format |
<<FUN_HASH_SHA1_HEX>> | ??? | SHA1 Hash of blank string in HEX format |
Returns SHA256 hash in Base64 format for specified input string
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<ABC123,FUN_HASH_SHA256>> | 4L69IoGZk0JYFIZrYnAeKRnqJvE3BJnBA3tTudScLIo= | SHA256 Hash of string (text: ABC123) in Base64 format |
<<abc123,FUN_HASH_SHA256>> | bKE9UspwyIPg8LsQHkJaiehiTeUdstI5JZOvaoQRgJA= | SHA256 Hash of string (text: abc123) in Base64 format |
<<FUN_HASH_SHA256>> | 47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU= | SHA256 Hash of blank string in Base64 format |
Returns SHA256 hash in HEX format for specified input string. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_SHA256 function.
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<ABC123,FUN_HASH_SHA256_HEX>> | e0bebd22819993425814866b62701e2919ea26f1370499c1037b53b9d49c2c8a | SHA256 Hash of string (text: ABC123) in HEX format |
<<abc123,FUN_HASH_SHA256_HEX>> | 6ca13d52ca70c883e0f0bb101e425a89e8624de51db2d2392593af6a84118090 | SHA256 Hash of string (text: abc123) in HEX format |
<<FUN_HASH_SHA256_HEX>> | e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 | SHA256 Hash of blank string in HEX format |
Returns SHA256 hash in Base64 format for specified input file
Name | Description |
input_file | [String] Input file you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_SHA256>> | 4L69IoGZk0JYFIZrYnAeKRnqJvE3BJnBA3tTudScLIo= | SHA256 Hash of file (text: ABC123) in Base64 format |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_SHA256>> | bKE9UspwyIPg8LsQHkJaiehiTeUdstI5JZOvaoQRgJA= | SHA256 Hash of file (text: abc123) in Base64 format |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_SHA256>> | 47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU= | SHA256 Hash of blank file in Base64 format |
Returns SHA256 hash in HEX format for specified input file. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_SHA256 function.
Name | Description |
input_file | [String] Input file you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_SHA256_HEX>> | e0bebd22819993425814866b62701e2919ea26f1370499c1037b53b9d49c2c8a | SHA256 Hash of file (text: ABC123) in HEX format |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_SHA256_HEX>> | 6ca13d52ca70c883e0f0bb101e425a89e8624de51db2d2392593af6a84118090 | SHA256 Hash of file (text: abc123) in HEX format |
<<c:\data.txt,FUN_HASH_FILE_SHA256_HEX>> | e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 | SHA256 Hash of blank file in HEX format |
Returns SHA512 hash in Base64 format for specified input string
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<ABC123,FUN_HASH_SHA512>> | ??? | SHA512 Hash of string (text: ABC123) in Base64 format |
<<abc123,FUN_HASH_SHA512>> | ??? | SHA512 Hash of string (text: abc123) in Base64 format |
<<FUN_HASH_SHA512>> | ??? | SHA512 Hash of blank string in Base64 format |
Returns SHA512 hash in HEX format for specified input string. To output hash in Base64 use HASH_SHA512 function.
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string you like to hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<ABC123,FUN_HASH_SHA512_HEX>> | ??? | SHA512 Hash of string (text: ABC123) in HEX format |
<<abc123,FUN_HASH_SHA512_HEX>> | ??? | SHA512 Hash of string (text: abc123) in HEX format |
<<FUN_HASH_SHA512_HEX>> | ??? | SHA512 Hash of blank string in HEX format |
HMAC - Hash + Encryption Functions
Returns a Base64 string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the MD5 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key)
Name | Description |
secret_key[--non-base64] | [String] Secret Key you like to use to produce hash. Append --non-base64 after secret key if Key is Non-Base64 (i.e. some password which is not Base64) |
input_string | [String] Input string for which you like to produce Hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5>> | EICjBYkqIW6HpU0VOkIABQ== | HMAC for base64 secret key (i.e. a2V5MTIz) and sample input string. |
<<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5>> | KUcR9yrT/+sUwV/Rlclk4Q== | HMAC for non-base64 secret key (i.e. PassW0rd) and sample input string. Notice we appended --non-base64 after secret key |
<<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_MD5>> | NMWBHrLEeRDlIeSpY0I12A== | HMAC for base64 secret key (i.e. a2V5MTIz) and sample input string. Notice we used \n after POST and api-key:ABCD12345. Use of \n (line feed) and \r (carriage return) is allowed anywhere in input_string and it will be replaced automatically before calculating Hash. |
Returns a Base64 string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA1 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key)
Name | Description |
secret_key[--non-base64] | [String] Secret Key you like to use to produce hash. Append --non-base64 after secret key if Key is Non-Base64 (i.e. some password which is not Base64) |
input_string | [String] Input string for which you like to produce Hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1>> | AjySY1u3hiBuWLL7t5HfbwRL8Kk= | HMAC for base64 secret key (i.e. a2V5MTIz) and sample input string. |
<<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1>> | jzWyMKjP9uzKkwsBsKUnSEk/uW4= | HMAC for non-base64 secret key (i.e. PassW0rd) and sample input string. Notice we appended --non-base64 after secret key |
<<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA1>> | TLN5p6HKFcIk/5vJbLG9IliO0+g= | HMAC for base64 secret key (i.e. a2V5MTIz) and sample input string. Notice we used \n after POST and api-key:ABCD12345. Use of \n (line feed) and \r (carriage return) is allowed anywhere in input_string and it will be replaced automatically before calculating Hash. |
Returns a Base64 string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA256 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key)
Name | Description |
secret_key[--non-base64] | [String] Secret Key you like to use to produce hash. Append --non-base64 after secret key if Key is Non-Base64 (i.e. some password which is not Base64) |
input_string | [String] Input string for which you like to produce Hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256>> | +yhBCew33Bbvh+Raumcj7Af3wuNT8pRepT0HfPt+6rg= | HMAC for base64 secret key (i.e. a2V5MTIz) and sample input string. |
<<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256>> | C0QsJqJ1ds8vJx5IZIJEkgjA6C1Zx50FUWJzfPW3pOE= | HMAC for non-base64 secret key (i.e. PassW0rd) and sample input string. Notice we appended --non-base64 after secret key |
<<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA256>> | g4RYXElEKkk6M4uODazT0cSuygVcjuh8ycmYIOq5Joc= | HMAC for base64 secret key (i.e. a2V5MTIz) and sample input string. Notice we used \n after POST and api-key:ABCD12345. Use of \n (line feed) and \r (carriage return) is allowed anywhere in input_string and it will be replaced automatically before calculating Hash. |
Returns a Base64 string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA384 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key)
Name | Description |
secret_key[--non-base64] | [String] Secret Key you like to use to produce hash. Append --non-base64 after secret key if Key is Non-Base64 (i.e. some password which is not Base64) |
input_string | [String] Input string for which you like to produce Hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384>> | //2hiViJ5fY4Mgwa5zUS6L+dEiwr6QcX/WoY6y1hJ8LwKpqABzn9NWD1l08eLdJi | HMAC for base64 secret key (i.e. a2V5MTIz) and sample input string. |
<<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384>> | 48bA65Om0rFndSa1P2w+2LFgrSTgVAXNCY3Z6Q3+/H9TnMv171zQawrx0n8xLlLp | HMAC for non-base64 secret key (i.e. PassW0rd) and sample input string. Notice we appended --non-base64 after secret key |
<<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA384>> | eICuBm1DbsFnk4Ai/qTmy+w5cp2hUZQ6MvNiwZfyS9m93oyaBTNQMI/orrVrpI8i | HMAC for base64 secret key (i.e. a2V5MTIz) and sample input string. Notice we used \n after POST and api-key:ABCD12345. Use of \n (line feed) and \r (carriage return) is allowed anywhere in input_string and it will be replaced automatically before calculating Hash. |
Returns a Base64 string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA512 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key)
Name | Description |
secret_key[--non-base64] | [String] Secret Key you like to use to produce hash. Append --non-base64 after secret key if Key is Non-Base64 (i.e. some password which is not Base64) |
input_string | [String] Input string for which you like to produce Hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384>> | fdVQbHC5acN+UFoSeWNLEOGtn1Jc3aIEjY97aQ58/EhciNJLxTk+rlX04485OZKLysvbZVNPDLjGz20gvzOwXA== | HMAC for base64 secret key (i.e. a2V5MTIz) and sample input string. |
<<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384>> | oEKZhescV/0ZHfudwj6PMglEaou3VkbFB2iNXinGmIznQWE552+HfYY3BnBEWy5HJGzndPZmp3hqDtIpQIypZA== | HMAC for non-base64 secret key (i.e. PassW0rd) and sample input string. Notice we appended --non-base64 after secret key |
<<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA384>> | smP9CmAo9v5C2oA2lmzLATdaKI06Yxl+LvSURhv/QOTqQ+vGh2wUnynNw5eZuy/S8Z3yGrprc18n/Zo0gP/y7w== | HMAC for base64 secret key (i.e. a2V5MTIz) and sample input string. Notice we used \n after POST and api-key:ABCD12345. Use of \n (line feed) and \r (carriage return) is allowed anywhere in input_string and it will be replaced automatically before calculating Hash. |
Returns a HEX string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the MD5 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key)
Name | Description |
secret_key[--non-base64] | [String] Secret Key you like to use to produce hash. Append --non-base64 after secret key if Key is Non-Base64 (i.e. some password which is not Base64) |
input_string | [String] Input string for which you like to produce Hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
--MD5 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>>
--SHA1 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>>
--SHA256 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>>
--SHA384 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>>
--SHA512 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>>
| --MD5 Hex-- 1080a305892a216e87a54d153a420005 294711f72ad3ffeb14c15fd195c964e1 34c5811eb2c47910e521e4a9634235d8
--SHA1 Hex-- 023c92635bb786206e58b2fbb791df6f044bf0a9 8f35b230a8cff6ecca930b01b0a52748493fb96e 4cb379a7a1ca15c224ff9bc96cb1bd22588ed3e8
--SHA256 Hex-- fb284109ec37dc16ef87e45aba6723ec07f7c2e353f2945ea53d077cfb7eeab8 0b442c26a27576cf2f271e486482449208c0e82d59c79d055162737cf5b7a4e1 8384585c49442a493a338b8e0dacd3d1c4aeca055c8ee87cc9c99820eab92687
--SHA384 Hex-- fffda1895889e5f638320c1ae73512e8bf9d122c2be90717fd6a18eb2d6127c2f02a9a800739fd3560f5974f1e2dd262 e3c6c0eb93a6d2b1677526b53f6c3ed8b160ad24e05405cd098dd9e90dfefc7f539ccbf5ef5cd06b0af1d27f312e52e9 7880ae066d436ec167938022fea4e6cbec39729da151943a32f362c197f24bd9bdde8c9a053350308fe8aeb56ba48f22
--SHA512 Hex-- 7dd5506c70b969c37e505a1279634b10e1ad9f525cdda2048d8f7b690e7cfc485c88d24bc5393eae55f4e38f3939928bcacbdb65534f0cb8c6cf6d20bf33b05c a0429985eb1c57fd191dfb9dc23e8f3209446a8bb75646c507688d5e29c6988ce7416139e76f877d86370670445b2e47246ce774f666a7786a0ed229408ca964 b263fd0a6028f6fe42da8036966ccb01375a288d3a63197e2ef494461bff40e4ea43ebc6876c149f29cdc39799bb2fd2f19df21aba6b735f27fd9a3480fff2ef
| |
Returns a HEX string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA1 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key)
Name | Description |
secret_key[--non-base64] | [String] Secret Key you like to use to produce hash. Append --non-base64 after secret key if Key is Non-Base64 (i.e. some password which is not Base64) |
input_string | [String] Input string for which you like to produce Hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
--MD5 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>>
--SHA1 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>>
--SHA256 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>>
--SHA384 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>>
--SHA512 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>>
| --MD5 Hex-- 1080a305892a216e87a54d153a420005 294711f72ad3ffeb14c15fd195c964e1 34c5811eb2c47910e521e4a9634235d8
--SHA1 Hex-- 023c92635bb786206e58b2fbb791df6f044bf0a9 8f35b230a8cff6ecca930b01b0a52748493fb96e 4cb379a7a1ca15c224ff9bc96cb1bd22588ed3e8
--SHA256 Hex-- fb284109ec37dc16ef87e45aba6723ec07f7c2e353f2945ea53d077cfb7eeab8 0b442c26a27576cf2f271e486482449208c0e82d59c79d055162737cf5b7a4e1 8384585c49442a493a338b8e0dacd3d1c4aeca055c8ee87cc9c99820eab92687
--SHA384 Hex-- fffda1895889e5f638320c1ae73512e8bf9d122c2be90717fd6a18eb2d6127c2f02a9a800739fd3560f5974f1e2dd262 e3c6c0eb93a6d2b1677526b53f6c3ed8b160ad24e05405cd098dd9e90dfefc7f539ccbf5ef5cd06b0af1d27f312e52e9 7880ae066d436ec167938022fea4e6cbec39729da151943a32f362c197f24bd9bdde8c9a053350308fe8aeb56ba48f22
--SHA512 Hex-- 7dd5506c70b969c37e505a1279634b10e1ad9f525cdda2048d8f7b690e7cfc485c88d24bc5393eae55f4e38f3939928bcacbdb65534f0cb8c6cf6d20bf33b05c a0429985eb1c57fd191dfb9dc23e8f3209446a8bb75646c507688d5e29c6988ce7416139e76f877d86370670445b2e47246ce774f666a7786a0ed229408ca964 b263fd0a6028f6fe42da8036966ccb01375a288d3a63197e2ef494461bff40e4ea43ebc6876c149f29cdc39799bb2fd2f19df21aba6b735f27fd9a3480fff2ef
| |
Returns a HEX string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA256 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key)
Name | Description |
secret_key[--non-base64] | [String] Secret Key you like to use to produce hash. Append --non-base64 after secret key if Key is Non-Base64 (i.e. some password which is not Base64) |
input_string | [String] Input string for which you like to produce Hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
--MD5 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>>
--SHA1 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>>
--SHA256 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>>
--SHA384 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>>
--SHA512 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>>
| --MD5 Hex-- 1080a305892a216e87a54d153a420005 294711f72ad3ffeb14c15fd195c964e1 34c5811eb2c47910e521e4a9634235d8
--SHA1 Hex-- 023c92635bb786206e58b2fbb791df6f044bf0a9 8f35b230a8cff6ecca930b01b0a52748493fb96e 4cb379a7a1ca15c224ff9bc96cb1bd22588ed3e8
--SHA256 Hex-- fb284109ec37dc16ef87e45aba6723ec07f7c2e353f2945ea53d077cfb7eeab8 0b442c26a27576cf2f271e486482449208c0e82d59c79d055162737cf5b7a4e1 8384585c49442a493a338b8e0dacd3d1c4aeca055c8ee87cc9c99820eab92687
--SHA384 Hex-- fffda1895889e5f638320c1ae73512e8bf9d122c2be90717fd6a18eb2d6127c2f02a9a800739fd3560f5974f1e2dd262 e3c6c0eb93a6d2b1677526b53f6c3ed8b160ad24e05405cd098dd9e90dfefc7f539ccbf5ef5cd06b0af1d27f312e52e9 7880ae066d436ec167938022fea4e6cbec39729da151943a32f362c197f24bd9bdde8c9a053350308fe8aeb56ba48f22
--SHA512 Hex-- 7dd5506c70b969c37e505a1279634b10e1ad9f525cdda2048d8f7b690e7cfc485c88d24bc5393eae55f4e38f3939928bcacbdb65534f0cb8c6cf6d20bf33b05c a0429985eb1c57fd191dfb9dc23e8f3209446a8bb75646c507688d5e29c6988ce7416139e76f877d86370670445b2e47246ce774f666a7786a0ed229408ca964 b263fd0a6028f6fe42da8036966ccb01375a288d3a63197e2ef494461bff40e4ea43ebc6876c149f29cdc39799bb2fd2f19df21aba6b735f27fd9a3480fff2ef
| |
Returns a HEX string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA384 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key)
Name | Description |
secret_key[--non-base64] | [String] Secret Key you like to use to produce hash. Append --non-base64 after secret key if Key is Non-Base64 (i.e. some password which is not Base64) |
input_string | [String] Input string for which you like to produce Hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
--MD5 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>>
--SHA1 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>>
--SHA256 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>>
--SHA384 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>>
--SHA512 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>>
| --MD5 Hex-- 1080a305892a216e87a54d153a420005 294711f72ad3ffeb14c15fd195c964e1 34c5811eb2c47910e521e4a9634235d8
--SHA1 Hex-- 023c92635bb786206e58b2fbb791df6f044bf0a9 8f35b230a8cff6ecca930b01b0a52748493fb96e 4cb379a7a1ca15c224ff9bc96cb1bd22588ed3e8
--SHA256 Hex-- fb284109ec37dc16ef87e45aba6723ec07f7c2e353f2945ea53d077cfb7eeab8 0b442c26a27576cf2f271e486482449208c0e82d59c79d055162737cf5b7a4e1 8384585c49442a493a338b8e0dacd3d1c4aeca055c8ee87cc9c99820eab92687
--SHA384 Hex-- fffda1895889e5f638320c1ae73512e8bf9d122c2be90717fd6a18eb2d6127c2f02a9a800739fd3560f5974f1e2dd262 e3c6c0eb93a6d2b1677526b53f6c3ed8b160ad24e05405cd098dd9e90dfefc7f539ccbf5ef5cd06b0af1d27f312e52e9 7880ae066d436ec167938022fea4e6cbec39729da151943a32f362c197f24bd9bdde8c9a053350308fe8aeb56ba48f22
--SHA512 Hex-- 7dd5506c70b969c37e505a1279634b10e1ad9f525cdda2048d8f7b690e7cfc485c88d24bc5393eae55f4e38f3939928bcacbdb65534f0cb8c6cf6d20bf33b05c a0429985eb1c57fd191dfb9dc23e8f3209446a8bb75646c507688d5e29c6988ce7416139e76f877d86370670445b2e47246ce774f666a7786a0ed229408ca964 b263fd0a6028f6fe42da8036966ccb01375a288d3a63197e2ef494461bff40e4ea43ebc6876c149f29cdc39799bb2fd2f19df21aba6b735f27fd9a3480fff2ef
| |
Returns a HEX string of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) by using the SHA512 hash function (Hash input data using user defined secret key)
Name | Description |
secret_key[--non-base64] | [String] Secret Key you like to use to produce hash. Append --non-base64 after secret key if Key is Non-Base64 (i.e. some password which is not Base64) |
input_string | [String] Input string for which you like to produce Hash |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
--MD5 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_MD5_HEX>>
--SHA1 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA1_HEX>>
--SHA256 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA256_HEX>>
--SHA384 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA384_HEX>>
--SHA512 Hex-- <<a2V5MTIz||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> <<PassW0rd--non-base64||Hi my name is A,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>> <<a2V5MTIz||POST\napi-key:ABCD12345\n/my/api/url,FUN_HMAC_SHA512_HEX>>
| --MD5 Hex-- 1080a305892a216e87a54d153a420005 294711f72ad3ffeb14c15fd195c964e1 34c5811eb2c47910e521e4a9634235d8
--SHA1 Hex-- 023c92635bb786206e58b2fbb791df6f044bf0a9 8f35b230a8cff6ecca930b01b0a52748493fb96e 4cb379a7a1ca15c224ff9bc96cb1bd22588ed3e8
--SHA256 Hex-- fb284109ec37dc16ef87e45aba6723ec07f7c2e353f2945ea53d077cfb7eeab8 0b442c26a27576cf2f271e486482449208c0e82d59c79d055162737cf5b7a4e1 8384585c49442a493a338b8e0dacd3d1c4aeca055c8ee87cc9c99820eab92687
--SHA384 Hex-- fffda1895889e5f638320c1ae73512e8bf9d122c2be90717fd6a18eb2d6127c2f02a9a800739fd3560f5974f1e2dd262 e3c6c0eb93a6d2b1677526b53f6c3ed8b160ad24e05405cd098dd9e90dfefc7f539ccbf5ef5cd06b0af1d27f312e52e9 7880ae066d436ec167938022fea4e6cbec39729da151943a32f362c197f24bd9bdde8c9a053350308fe8aeb56ba48f22
--SHA512 Hex-- 7dd5506c70b969c37e505a1279634b10e1ad9f525cdda2048d8f7b690e7cfc485c88d24bc5393eae55f4e38f3939928bcacbdb65534f0cb8c6cf6d20bf33b05c a0429985eb1c57fd191dfb9dc23e8f3209446a8bb75646c507688d5e29c6988ce7416139e76f877d86370670445b2e47246ce774f666a7786a0ed229408ca964 b263fd0a6028f6fe42da8036966ccb01375a288d3a63197e2ef494461bff40e4ea43ebc6876c149f29cdc39799bb2fd2f19df21aba6b735f27fd9a3480fff2ef
| |
JSON Functions
Encodes string for JSON value (e.g. {NEWLINE} is replaced to \r\n, double quote to \", {TAB} to \\t )
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string which you like to encode |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<AAA{NEWLINE}BBB{NEWLINE}CCC,FUN_JSONENC>> | AAA\r\nBBB\r\nCCC | {NEWLINE} is replaced with encoded string \r\n |
<<This is "double quoted" string,FUN_JSONENC>> | This is \"double quoted\" string | Double quote is replaced with encoded string \" |
<<Col1{TAB}Col2,FUN_JSONENC>> | {TAB} character is replaced by \t | |
Decodes JSON string (e.g. \r\n is replaced to {NEWLINE}, \" to double quote, \\t to {TAB})
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string which you like to decode |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<This is \"double quoted\" string,FUN_JSONDEC>> | This is "double quoted" string | \" is replaced with Double quote |
<<Col1\tCol2,FUN_JSONDEC>> | Col1{TAB}Col2 | \t is replaced by {TAB} |
Extracts Text from JSON array using JSON Path expression. You can specify expression like $.data[*] or $.data[*].email. If document is Array (i.e. starts with [ ) then root is referred as $.data[*]
Name | Description |
input_json | [String] JSON document from which you like to extract text. |
json_path | [String] JSONPath Filter expression you like to extract |
separator (Optional) | [String] String to use as separator to join multiple matches. You may use \r (carriage return),\n (linefeed),\r\n (newline),\t (tab) Default={space} |
throw_error_if_nomatch (Optional) | [Boolean] Throw error if match not found for supplied JSON Path expression. Default=false |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<['A','B','C']|~|$.data[*],FUN_JSON_TO_TEXT>> | A B C | |
<<['A','B','C']|~|$.data[*]|~|;,FUN_JSON_TO_TEXT>> | A;B;C | |
<<['A','B','C']|~|$.data[*]|~|\n,FUN_JSON_TO_TEXT>> | A B C | |
<<[{id:'A'},{id:'B'},{id:'C'}]|~|$.data[*].id|~|\n,FUN_JSON_TO_TEXT>> | A B C | |
<<{id:'A'}|~|$.id,FUN_JSON_TO_TEXT>> | A | |
<<{id:'A'}|~|$.fake|~||~|true,FUN_JSON_TO_TEXT>> | A | Throws error ($.fake not found) |
XML / HTML Functions
Encodes plain text to XML encoded value (e.g. > is replaced to > and < is replaced to < )
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string which you like to encode |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<1<2<3,FUN_XMLENC>> | "1<2<3" | |
Decodes XML value to plain text (e.g. > is replaced to > and < is replaced to < )
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string which you like to decode |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<"1<2<3",FUN_XMLDEC>> | 1<2<3 | |
Extracts Text from XML using XPath expression. You can specify expression like /data/rows/row[0]/@name
Name | Description |
input_xml | [String] XML document from which you like to extract text. |
xml_path | [String] XPath Filter expression you like to extract |
separator (Optional) | [String] String to use as separator to join multiple matches. You may use \r (carriage return),\n (linefeed),\r\n (newline),\t (tab) Default={space} |
indent | [String] Indent selected nodes |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<<ns1:x xmlns:ns1=""><token>ABCD</token></ns1:x>|~|//*[local-name()='token'],FUN_XML_TO_TEXT>> | ABCD | This example shows how to extract data from element text when namespace prefixes used. See use of local-name() function. |
<<<ns1:x xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:data sessionid="12345">abcdefg</ns1:data></ns1:x>|~|//*[local-name()='data']/@*[local-name()='sessionid'],FUN_XML_TO_TEXT>> | 12345 | This example shows how to extract data from attribute when namespace prefixes used. See use of local-name() function. |
<<<x><row><id>A</id></row><row><id>B</id></row></x>|~|/x/row[*]/id,FUN_XML_TO_TEXT>> | A B | Extract id from all row elements and join values by space (default separator) |
<<<x><row><id>A</id></row><row><id>B</id></row></x>|~|/x/row[*]/id|~|;,FUN_XML_TO_TEXT>> | A;B | Extract id from all row elements and join values by ; (separator) |
<<<x><row><id>A</id></row><row><id>B</id></row></x>|~|/x/row[1]/id,FUN_XML_TO_TEXT>> | A | Extract id from first row elements |
<<<x><row id="A" /><row id="B" /></x>|~|/x/row[1]/@id,FUN_XML_TO_TEXT>> | A | Extract id attribute from first row elements |
<<<x><row id="A" /><row id="B" /></x>|~|/x/row[*]/@id,FUN_XML_TO_TEXT>> | A B | Extract id attribute from all row elements |
Creates a new unique GUID
Name | Description |
format (Optional) | [String] Output format of new GUID. Possible formats are d,n,p,b |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<FUN_NEW_GUID>> | 12f4a35e-6d52-45f1-9788-8e3801d85704 | |
<<d,FUN_NEW_GUID>> | b86abe10-a6ea-49c3-a5e8-383c8d565ec2 | |
<<n,FUN_NEW_GUID>> | ec7bcd8842324379adfe2e7e31b8da24 | |
<<p,FUN_NEW_GUID>> | (6711cee1-aaf7-41bb-a4b6-502409ae6ae6) | |
<<b,FUN_NEW_GUID>> | {6c8d8306-9449-440e-89be-8ee7549cc271} | |
Encoding Functions
Encodes input string to percentage encoding format for URL (e.g. A&B is encoded to A%26B)
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string which you like to encode. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<A&B,FUN_URLENC>> | A%26B | & is encoded as %26 |
<<*_*,FUN_URLENC>> | %2A_%2A | * is encoded as %2A |
<<A B,FUN_URLENC>> | A+B | By default space is encoded as + rather than %20. If you want to encode space using percent encoding like other special characters then use FUN_URLENCDATA function so you get %20 rather than +. This is only needed in special case (i.e. Passing data via Body rather than URL) |
Decodes url encoded value to plain text
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] URL encoded string which you like to decode. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<A%26B,FUN_URLDEC>> | A&B | %26 is decoded as & |
<<%2A_%2A,FUN_URLDEC>> | *_* | %2A is decoded as * |
<<A+B%20C,FUN_URLDEC>> | A B C | + or %20 is decoded as space |
Encodes input string to percentage encoding format for URL using exact same rules as FUN_URLENCDATA except space is encoded as %20 rather than +
Name | Description |
input_string | [String] Input string which you like to encode. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<A&B,FUN_URLENCDATA>> | A%26B | & is encoded as %26 |
<<*_*,FUN_URLENCDATA>> | %2A_%2A | * is encoded as %2A |
<<A B,FUN_URLENCDATA>> | A%20B | space is encoded as %20 (use FUN_URLENC function if you like to encode space as + rather than %20) |
Encodes input string to BASE64 format
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] Input string which you like to encode as Base64 text. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<myuser1:MyP@ssWord,FUN_BASE64ENC>> | bXl1c2VyMTpNeVBAc3NXb3Jk | |
Decodes base64 encoded string to plain text
Name | Description |
input_text | [String] Input string which you like to decode from Base64 text to plain text. |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<bXl1c2VyMTpNeVBAc3NXb3Jk,FUN_BASE64DEC>> | myuser1:MyP@ssWord | |
Number Functions
Returns a number in a sequence, useful to generate a row number or counter (optionally allows to use custom seed_number, increment_by and counter_name)
Name | Description |
seed_number (Optional) | [String] Start number for a sequence. Default=0 |
increment_by (Optional) | [String] Number to increment from the last sequence (can be +ve or -ve). Default=1 |
counter_name (Optional) | [String] Name for the counter (useful if you want to store multiple counters by name). Default=[blank] |
should_reset_counter (Optional) | [String] Flag which indicates if sequence should reset and start again from seed number. Default=[false] |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<FUN_SEQUENCE>> | 1 | Call same function again returns 2.. 3.. 4.. so on |
<<1000,FUN_SEQUENCE>> | 1000 | Call same function again returns 1001.. 1002.. 1003.. so on |
<<0|~|5,FUN_SEQUENCE>> | 5 | Use custom +ve increment (e.g. 5). Call same function again returns 10.. 15.. 20.. so on |
<<0|~|-5,FUN_SEQUENCE>> | -5 | Use custom -ve increment (e.g. -5). Call same function again returns -10.. -15.. -20.. so on |
<<0|~|1|~||~|true,FUN_SEQUENCE>> | 1 | Resets the counter (i.e. last argument=true) and start again from {seed_number} + {increment_by}. In this example seed_number=0 and increment_by=1. |
<<0|~|1|~|MyCounterA,FUN_SEQUENCE>> | 1 | Use custom counter name (e.g. MyCounterA), useful to store multiple sequences by given name. |
Generates a random integer from 1 to given max range
Name | Description |
max_number (Optional) | [String] Maximum integer for boundary. Default=2147483647 |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<FUN_RANDOM_INT>> | 112345667 | Generate random number between 1 and 2147483647 |
<<1000,FUN_RANDOM_INT>> | 1234 | Generate random number between 1 and 1000 |
Performs a specified math operation for input numbers
Name | Description |
input_values | [String] Input numbers separated by # sign |
operation | [String] Operation you like to perform on input numbers. Supported values are: Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Abs, Mod |
data_type (Optional) | [String] Type of number. (Allowed values long or double). If you keep it blank then auto-detected. Default=[blank] (auto-detect) |
out_format (Optional) | [String] Output format. Default=[blank] |
throw_if_fail (Optional) | [String] Throw error if operation fails. Default=false |
default_value_on_error (Optional) | [String] Default value to return on error when throw_if_fail=false. Default=[blank] |
culture (Optional) | [String] Culture identifier to parse input value. Default=[blank] (Culture-Invariant) |
Example | Sample Output | Description |
<<1#2#3|~|Add,FUN_CALC>> | 6 | Performs Add Operation. Adds three input values |
<<1#2#3|~|Add|~|long,FUN_CALC>> | 6 | Performs Add Operation (Specify exact datatype - faster compared to auto detect type). Adds three input values |
<<1.5#0.5#3.5|~|Add|~|double,FUN_CALC>> | 5.5 | Performs Add Operation (Specify exact datatype - faster compared to auto detect type). Adds three input values |
<<6#3#1|~|Sub,FUN_CALC>> | 2 | Performs Subtract Operation. e.g. (6-3)-1=2 |
<<2#3#4|~|Mul,FUN_CALC>> | 24 | Performs Multiplication Operation. e.g. (2*3)*4=24 |
<<16#2#2|~|Div,FUN_CALC>> | 4 | Performs Division Operation. e.g. (16/2)/2=4 |
<<-16|~|Abs,FUN_CALC>> | 16 | Gets Absolute value |
<<5#2|~|Div|~|double|~|#.###,FUN_CALC>> | 2.500 | Specify format for output |
<<5#0|~|Div|~|double|~|#.#|~|false|~|-999,FUN_CALC>> | -999 | Return default value on error |
<<2,5#2,5|~|Add|~|double|~|#.#|~|false|~|-999|~|fi-FI,FUN_CALC>> | 5.0 | Specify culture for input value parsing (In this example fi-FI is for Finland numbers, which uses comma as decimal separator) - default value is culture-invariant. Use local to use current culture |
<<2,5#2,5|~|Add|~|double|~|#.#|~|false|~|-999|~|local,FUN_CALC>> | 5.0 | Specify to use local culture for input value parsing (In this example assume fi-FI is local culture (Finland), which uses comma as decimal separator) - default value is culture-invariant. Use local to use current culture |