Authentication OAuth
No description available [API reference]
Here is how to register OAuth App.- Follow this link and click to Create new app under My Apps.
- Give your app a name e.g. My Integration. Check one of the options | Check I Agree | Click Create app
- Copy Client Id and Secret. Keep it secure, we will use it later on API Connection UI.
- Click on the OAuth section (Under Configure) on your left. Under the Redirect URLs Click [Add redirect URL] button. Enter URL like this Do not use any random URL otherwise it may not work.
- Click on the Manage distribution section (Under Test & distribute) on your left. Here you can add specific workspaces you like to access using this App. If you like to access any workspace then choose [Any workspace] option
- Click [Save changes] button. Might be located all the way bottom right on your screen.
- Now go back to connection UI and enter ClientId, Client Secret and Redirect URL (match exactly).
- Click Generate Token and follow the login prompts. If everything goes well you will see Refresh Token generated.
- Choose Default Workspace and Default Project.
- Click Test connection to confirm. Now you are ready to use this connection.
Parameter | Label | Required | Default value | Options | Description | ||||||||||
ClientId | ClientId | YES |
ClientSecret | Client Secret | YES |
Scope | Permissions |
ReturnUrl | Redirect URL |
WorkspaceId | Default Workspace (** Select after Token is generated **) |
ProjectId | Default Project (** Select after Token is generated **) |
RetryMode | RetryMode |
RetryStatusCodeList | RetryStatusCodeList |
RetryCountMax | RetryCountMax |
RetryMultiplyWaitTime | RetryMultiplyWaitTime |