Asana Connector
Version: 1

Authentication OAuth


No description available [API reference]


Here is how to register OAuth App.
  1. Follow this link and click to Create new app under My Apps.
  2. Give your app a name e.g. My Integration. Check one of the options | Check I Agree | Click Create app
  3. Copy Client Id and Secret. Keep it secure, we will use it later on API Connection UI.
  4. Click on the OAuth section (Under Configure) on your left. Under the Redirect URLs Click [Add redirect URL] button. Enter URL like this Do not use any random URL otherwise it may not work.
  5. Click on the Manage distribution section (Under Test & distribute) on your left. Here you can add specific workspaces you like to access using this App. If you like to access any workspace then choose [Any workspace] option
  6. Click [Save changes] button. Might be located all the way bottom right on your screen.
  7. Now go back to connection UI and enter ClientId, Client Secret and Redirect URL (match exactly).
  8. Click Generate Token and follow the login prompts. If everything goes well you will see Refresh Token generated.
  9. Choose Default Workspace and Default Project.
  10. Click Test connection to confirm. Now you are ready to use this connection.


Parameter Label Required Default value Options Description
ClientId ClientId YES
ClientSecret Client Secret YES
Scope Permissions default
Name Value
default default
openid openid
email email
profile profile
To access Visists table you need add extra permissions and re-generate token.
ReturnUrl Redirect URL This is the redirect URL you entered when you created app in the Portal. URL must match exactly including trailing slash
WorkspaceId Default Workspace (** Select after Token is generated **)
ProjectId Default Project (** Select after Token is generated **)
RetryMode RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
RetryStatusCodeList RetryStatusCodeList 429
RetryCountMax RetryCountMax 5
RetryMultiplyWaitTime RetryMultiplyWaitTime True