Google Calendar Connector
Version: 5

Authentication Service Account (Using Private Key File)


No description available [API reference]


Use these steps to authenticate as service account rather than Google / GSuite User. Learn more about service account here

Basically to call Google API as Service account we need to perform following steps listed in 3 sections (Detailed steps found in the help link at the end)

Create Project

First thing is create a Project so we can call Google API. Skip this section if you already have Project (Go to next section)
  1. Go to Google API Console
  2. From the Project Dropdown (usually found at the top bar) click Select Project
  3. On Project Propup click CREATE PROJECT
  4. Once project is created you can click Select Project to switch the context (You can click on Notification link or Choose from Top Dropdown)
  6. Now we need to enable API - Google Calendar API
  7. Search Drive. Select and click ENABLE

Create Service Account

Once Project is created and APIs are enabled we can now create a service account under that project. Service account has its ID which looks like some email ID (not to confuse with Google /Gmail email ID)
  1. Go to Create Service Account
  2. From the Project Dropdown (usually found at the top bar) click Select Project
  3. Enter Service account name and Service account description
  4. For Role, do not select anything for now and Click Continue and then click Done. Next we will create Key.

Create Key

Once service account is created we need to create key file (i.e. credentials).
  1. In the Cloud Console, click the email address for the service account that you created.
  2. Click Keys.
  3. Click Add key, then click Create new key.
  4. Click Create and select P12 format. A P12 key file is downloaded to your computer. We will use this file in our API connection.
  5. Click Close.
  6. Now you may use downloaded *.p12 key file as secret file and Service Account Email as Client ID (e.g. ).

Add Permission

Now last thing is give read/write permission to Service Account for Calendar you like to access using API.
  1. Copy the email address of your service account we created in previous step (its usually like this
  2. Login to and make sure you see the calendar you like to access via API
  3. On the left, find the "My calendars" section. To expand it, click the Down arrow Down arrow.
  4. Hover over the calendar you want to share, and click 3 dots next to it. Click "Settings and sharing".
  5. Find "Share with specific people", Click Add people button and enter the service account email id we obtained in the previous section.
  6. Select correct permission you like to give for sharing. Click Send button to share. Thats it now we can read / write Calendar Events using Service account approach.
  7. For more information check this link


Parameter Label Required Default value Options Description
ClientId Service Account Email YES This is service account email ID (e.g.
PrivateKeyPath Service Account Private Key Path (i.e. *.p12) YES File path for p12 file (i.e. Private Key file for service account). Keep this key file secure
Scope Scope
RetryMode RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
Name Value
None None
RetryAny RetryAny
RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
RetryStatusCodeList RetryStatusCodeList 403|429
RetryCountMax RetryCountMax 5
RetryMultiplyWaitTime RetryMultiplyWaitTime True