Authentication :: User Account [OAuth]
No description available
This connection can be configured using two ways. Use Default App (Created by ZappySys) OR Use Custom App created by you.To use minimum settings you can start with ZappySys created App. Just change UseCustomApp=false on the properties grid so you dont need ClientID / Secret. When you click Generate Token you might see warning about App is not trusted (Simply Click Advanced Link to expand hidden section and then click Go to App link to Proceed). To register custom App, perform the following steps (Detailed steps found in the help link at the end)
- Go to Google API Console
- From the Project Dropdown (usually found at the top bar) click Select Project
- On Project Propup click CREATE PROJECT
- Once project is created you can click Select Project to switch the context (You can click on Notification link or Choose from Top Dropdown)
- Now we need to Enable two APIs one by one (BigQuery API and Cloud Resource Manager API).
- Search BigQuery API. Select and click ENABLE
- Search Cloud Resource Manager API. Select and click ENABLE
- Go to back to main screen of Google API Console
Click OAuth consent screen Tab. Enter necessary details and Save.
- Choose Testing as Publishing status
- Set application User type to Internal, if possible
- If MAKE INTERNAL option is disabled, then add a user in Test users section, which you will use in authentication process when generating Access and Refresh tokens
- Click Credentials Tab
- Click CREATE CREDENTIALS (some where in topbar) and select OAuth Client ID option.
- When prompted Select Application Type as Desktop App and click Create to receive your ClientID and Secret. You can use this information now to configure Connection with UseCustomApp=true.
Parameter | Label | Required | Options | Description | Help | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UseCustomApp | UseCustomApp | YES |
ClientId | ClientId | NO |
ClientSecret | ClientSecret | NO |
Scope | Scope | NO |
ProjectId | ProjectId (Choose after [Generate Token] clicked) | YES |
DatasetId | DatasetId (Choose after [Generate Token] clicked and ProjectId selected) | YES |
RetryMode | RetryMode | NO |
RetryStatusCodeList | RetryStatusCodeList | NO |
RetryCountMax | RetryCountMax | NO |
RetryMultiplyWaitTime | RetryMultiplyWaitTime | NO |
Location | Job Location | NO |