ElasticSearch Connector
Version: 5

EndPoint Delete documents




Deletes documents


Parameter Label Required Options Description
Index Index NO

Output Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
ErrorFound DT_BOOL bit False
Result DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False
HttpStatus DT_I4 int False
Id DT_WSTR nvarchar(50) 50 False
Index DT_WSTR nvarchar(150) 150 False
Type DT_WSTR nvarchar(50) 50 False
IndexUuid DT_WSTR nvarchar(50) 50 False
Reason DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False
ErrorType DT_WSTR nvarchar(250) 250 False
ErrorCausedByType DT_WSTR nvarchar(250) 250 False
ErrorCausedByreason DT_WSTR nvarchar(2000) 2000 False
Version DT_I4 int False
SequenceNo DT_I4 int False
PrimaryTerm DT_I4 int False
ShardsFailed DT_I4 int False
ShardsSuccessful DT_I4 int False
ShardsTotal DT_I4 int False
Took DT_I4 int False

Input Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
_id DT_WSTR nvarchar(150) 150 False
Required columns that you need to supply are bolded.