Amazon MWS Connector
Amazon MWS Connector Help
Version 1
ZappySys Logo File Version: v1
Supported Engine: v1 or higher

EndPoint Orders: Read Order Items




The ListOrderItems operation returns order item information for an AmazonOrderId that you specify. The order item information includes Title, ASIN, SellerSKU, ItemPrice, ShippingPrice, as well as tax and promotion information. [API Help]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
AmazonOrderId AmazonOrderId YES An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format (Example: 058-1233752-8214740).
Version Version NO

Output Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
TaxCollection_ResponsibleParty DT_WSTR 84 False
TaxCollection_Model DT_WSTR 88 False
QuantityOrdered DT_I4 0 False
Title DT_WSTR 600 False
PromotionDiscount_Amount DT_NUMERIC 0 False
PromotionDiscount_CurrencyCode DT_WSTR 12 False
IsGift DT_WSTR 20 False
SellerSKU DT_WSTR 136 False
OrderItemId DT_I8 0 False
IsTransparency DT_WSTR 20 False
ProductInfo_NumberOfItems DT_I4 0 False
QuantityShipped DT_I4 0 False
ItemPrice_Amount DT_NUMERIC 0 False
ItemPrice_CurrencyCode DT_WSTR 12 False
ItemTax_Amount DT_NUMERIC 0 False
ItemTax_CurrencyCode DT_WSTR 12 False
PromotionDiscountTax_Amount DT_NUMERIC 0 False
PromotionDiscountTax_CurrencyCode DT_WSTR 12 False

Input Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
There are no Static columns defined for this endpoint. This endpoint detects columns dynamically at runtime.