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Command Alias Description
info fileinfo Displays most properties about storage file
bktinfo continfo, infobkt, infocont Displays bucket properties
cd change current directory for commands. If path starts with / then its treated as absolute path otherwise its treated as relative path from current directory.
copy cp perform copy of cloud storage files from one cloud location to another cloud location
delbkt rmb delete bucket from cloud storage
del rm, delfile delete file(s) from S3 cloud storage
get dow, download downloads cloud storage file(s) to local machine
lsauth List all saved credentials
lsb lsc List buckets from cloud storage
ls list, dir List file(s) from cloud storage
loadauth load specified credentials into memory and set as default credentials for any operation in current context
mkbkt mkb create new bucket
mkfile mkf create new cloud storage file
mkfol md create new folder. Empty file which ends with slash [/]
move mv perform copy of cloud storage files from one cloud location to another cloud location
put upload, up uploads local file(s) to cloud storage
ren rename rename cloud storage files
setacl setper, setpermission sets permission for bucket(s) or file(s) for specified user(s). You can use + (plus sign) for add grant and - (minus sign) for remove grant
setauth set authentication information to connect storage account
setopt set set option related to storage commands | Products | All copyrights reserved. ZappySys LLC.