SSIS Reporting Services Task (SSRS 2005, 2008, 2012)

SSIS Report Generator Task can be used to export or email SSRS reports inside SSIS Package. This task also supports dynamic data driven export which can export several reports to disk and email to specified users based on settings stored in sql table.

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Property Name Description
Action Specifies action you want to perform

Available Options

  • ExportServerReport: This option allows you to export/email server side reporting services report (SSRS 2005, 2008, 2008 R2 and 2012 compatible reporting engine) in PDF, XLS, DOC, MHT, HTML, CSV, TIFF or XML format. You can also export reports hosted in Sharepoint integrated Mode

  • ExportLocalReport: In this mode you can export/email report definition file (*.rdlc or *.rdl) in PDF, XLS or DOC format without needing any Reporting Services Setup or Libraries. In Local mode Dataset is populated at runtime by user supplied query. Click here to learn more how to export Local report without requiring any SSRS Server.

  • DataDrivenExport: Using this option you can bulk export many reports to different users in different formats using Configuration Table. Click here to get more detail about Configuration Table for DataDrivenExport.

TimeoutSeconds Report generation timeout in seconds
ReportPath If ReportType=Server then this is report path on the server [i.e. /{ReportFolder}/{ReportName}]. Example: /AdventureWorks Sample Reports/Product Catalog
If ReportType=Local then this is report definition file path. Example: C:\Reports\ProductCatalog.rdl
ReportParameters Parameter values for this report.
  • Parameter names are case sensitive so make sure its named correctly in the Grid.
  • To set parameter with null value use {NULL} as value.
  • To set parameter with default value specified during report design use {DEFAULT} as value.
  • To set multi-valued parameter use comma in values ( GA,TN,NY).
Syntax for parameters is as below (Separated by vertical bar)

InvoiceNumber;False;INV1234|SubjectLine;False;This is your invoice|Amount;False;5678.55
Example (Multi Value Parameter):
Example (Binding value from SSIS Variable - When UseDirectValueForParameter=false):
UseDirectValueForParameter By default parameters value is set from SSIS Variable but when you set this property to True then you can type any value directly.
DatasetNames Dataset name(s) for local report dataset binding. Use vertical bar if you have multiple datasets (e.g. Dataset1|Dataset2...). This option is valid only if you set Action=ExportLocalReport. Dataset name must exists in the report and Dataset name is case-sensitive
RecordsetVariable Variable name which will hold dataset/datatable or ado recordset to bind with local report datasets defined by DatasetName property. If you have dataset with multiple datatables inside it then make sure they all appear in the same order as listed in DatasetName (e.g. Dataset1|Dataset2...). This option is only applicable if you have selected action = ExportLocalReport.
DatasetConnectionStrings Dataset name(s) for local report dataset binding. Use vertical bar if you have multiple datasets (e.g. Dataset1|Dataset2...). This option is valid only if you set Action=ExportLocalReport
DatasetQueries Dataset queries(s) separated by vertical bar if you have multiple datasets in report. for local report dataset binding. Use vertical bar if you have multiple datasets (e.g. Dataset1|Dataset2...). This option is valid only if you set Action=ExportLocalReport
ReportServiceUrl This is report web service Url (Example: http://myserver/reportserver ). Click here to learn how to find Reporting Service URL
UserName Username to connect report server
Password Password to connect report server
WindowsAuthentication Check this if you connecting to ReportServer using current credentials under which SSIS package is running
ConfigDataConnection SSIS Connection manager for Config Database. This connection is used to connect database where Config Table is stored for DataDrivenExport
ConfigTableName Configuration Table name where records for DataDrivenExport is stored. Click here to read more about DataDrivenExport option
ConfigFilter SQL Filter which can be used to limit which Reports needs to be included or excluded in DataDrivenExport. (e.g. ReportType='Local' AND GroupName='WEEKLY')
ExportFilePath Indicates local file path where exported report should be saved. (e.g C:\Reports\MyReport.xls).
For ReportType=Server valid extensions for file is PDF, DOC, XLS, TIFF, CSV, XML, MHT or HTM.
For ReportType=Local valid file extensions are PDF, DOC and XLS.
This option is only valid when you ExportAsFile to True.
GenerateSnapshot Generate snapshot after report is executed
AppendSuffix Indicates whether custom date/time suffix should be added to exported file name. If this option is checked then specify ExportFileSuffix
SuffixFormat Suffix for exported file. You can use any valid Date/Time format specifiers of Microsoft .net (Example: _yyyy-MM-dd will format file name as MySalesReport_2015-12-31.pdf ) (Click here to read more about date time format specifiers)
ExportAsFile If set then report is exported to disk
ExportAsEmail If set then report is emailed to specified recipient(s)
EmailSMTPConnection SMTP Connection Manager name which should be used to send emails (This is also used by DataDrivenExport)
EmailFrom From address for email
EmailTo To list for email. You can separate multiple recipients using semicolon (e.g.;
EmailCc Cc list for email. You can separate multiple recipients using semicolon (e.g.;
EmailBcc Bcc list for email. You can separate multiple recipients using semicolon (e.g.;
EmailSubject Email subject line (You may use following format specifiers)
  • {{ReportName}}
  • {{ReportPath}}
  • {{ReportParameters}}
  • {{ReportDate}}
EmailBody Email body (text or HTML). You can use following format specifiers.
  • {{ReportName}}
  • {{ReportPath}}
  • {{ReportParameters}}
  • {{ReportDate}}
EmailAsHtml Indicates whether email should be in HTML format or plain text
LoggingMode LoggingMode determines how much information is logged during Package Execution. Set Logging mode to Debugging for maximum log.

SSRS Report Export in Server Mode

This is the default export mode which requires connectivity to report server using correct Report Server Url. See the following section how to find correct report service URL.
Report Server URL in native Mode
  • Default report service Url is http://{{report-server-name}}/reportserver/
  • If you are not sure just copy/paste your Report Url from browser and check green check button to parse.
  • To get exact url of report server launch [Reporting Services Configuration Manager] by navigating following menu Start Menu -> All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 [or 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2014] -> Configuration Tools -> [Reporting Services Configuration Manager].
  • Once [Reporting Services Configuration Manager] is launched ... Connect to Reporting Server -> click [Web Service URL] tab. On this tab you will see actual Service Url at the bottom.
  • Here is screenshot how to do it
    How to find report server url in SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008 R2 or 2012 How to find report server url in SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008 R2 or 2012
Report Server URL in SharePoint Integrated Mode
  • If you are accessing reports from SharePoint portal (using integrated mode) then your report server url should be one of the following url formats NOTE: If you are using root site for reports then use second url format else use first url format
  • If you are not sure then copy your Report Url from browser and paste into Server URL textbox and click green check button to validate the URL.

SSRS Report Export in Local Mode

In Local mode you can export rdl file as PDF, XLS or DOC without requiring report server, this gives developer/DBA flexibility to author reports in BIDS (i.e. VS 2005/2008 Shell)/SSDT (i.e. BI Shell-VS 2010 or higher) and then just use Reporting Services Task to export or email rdl file in desired file format to group of people in your company. This makes it very convenient to take full control on how and when report should be delivered
When you export report in Local mode you have to assign dataset manually at runtime. Local mode ignores any query/connection you used in report during design. Report can contain single or multiple datasets, these both scenarios are supported by Reporting Services Task

SSRS Report Export in DataDrivenExport Mode

Here is the DDL for configuration tabled used by DataDrivenExport
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SsrsExportConfig]
    [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [GroupName] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [ReportType] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
    [ReportServiceUrl] [varchar](500) NULL,
    [ReportPath] [varchar](500) NOT NULL,
    [IsEnabled] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
    [ExportAsFile] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
    [ExportAsEmail] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
    [Parameters] [varchar](max) NULL,
    [ExportPath] [varchar](500) NULL,
    [AddFileSuffix] [bit] NULL,
    [ExportFileSuffix] [varchar](500) NULL,
    [Description] [varchar](500) NULL,
    [EmailFrom] [varchar](255) NULL,
    [EmailTo] [varchar](1000) NULL,
    [EmailCc] [varchar](1000) NULL,
    [EmailBcc] [varchar](1000) NULL,
    [EmailSubject] [varchar](500) NULL,
    [EmailIsHtml] [bit] NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
    [EmailBodyText] [varchar](max) NULL,
    [EmailAttachmentFile] [varchar](500) NULL,
    [LastExportStartDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [LastExportEndDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [LastStatus] [varchar](20) NULL,
    [LastMessage] [varchar](max) NULL,
    [Id] ASC
Here is the list of columns with description for DataDrivenExport Configuration Table.
Column Name Datatype Allow NULL Description
Id int NO Unique record number (auto generated)
GroupName varchar(100) YES Group name for this report. Informational purpose only. e.g DAILY, WEEKLY, SALESREPORTS. This helps to filter report when DataDrivenExport is executed.
ReportType varchar(10) NO This value can be any of the following values
  • server:
  • local: Indicates report is stored on local disk or network share as rdl or rdlc file. When you use local mode you don't require Report Server. Just create reports in Designer and save as RDL file. Dataset information is supplied at runtime.
ReportServiceUrl varchar(500) YES This is report web service Url (Example: http://myserver/reportserver ). Click here to learn how to find Reporting Service URL
ReportPath varchar(500) NO If ReportType=Server then this is report path on the server [i.e. /{ReportFolder}/{ReportName}]. Example: /AdventureWorks Sample Reports/Product Catalog
If ReportType=Local then this is report definition file path. Example: C:\Reports\ProductCatalog.rdl
IsEnabled bit NO If not set then DataDriven export skips this entry
ExportAsFile bit NO If set then report is exported to disk
ExportAsEmail bit NO If set then report is emailed to specified recipient(s)
Parameters varchar(MAX) YES Parameter values for this report.
  • Parameter names are case sensitive so make sure its named correctly in the Grid.
  • To set parameter with null value use {NULL} as value.
  • To set parameter with default value specified during report design use {DEFAULT} as value.
  • To set multi-valued parameter use comma in values ( GA,TN,NY).
Syntax for parameters is as below (Separated by vertical bar)

InvoiceNumber;False;INV1234|SubjectLine;False;This is your invoice|Amount;False;5678.55
Example (Multi Value Parameter):
ExportPath varchar(500) YES Indicates local file path where exported report should be saved. (e.g C:\Reports\MyReport.xls).
For ReportType=Server valid extensions for file is PDF, DOC, XLS, TIFF, CSV, XML, MHT or HTM.
For ReportType=Local valid file extensions are PDF, DOC and XLS.
This option is only valid when you ExportAsFile to True.
AddFileSuffix bit YES Indicates whether custom date/time suffix should be added to exported file name. If this option is checked then specify ExportFileSuffix
ExportFileSuffix varchar(500) YES Suffix for exported file. You can use any valid Date/Time format specifiers of Microsoft .net (Example: _yyyy-MM-dd will format file name as MySalesReport_2015-12-31.pdf ) (Click here to read more about date time format specifiers)
Description varchar(500) YES Description of this record
EmailFrom varchar(255) YES From address for email
EmailTo varchar(1000) YES To list for email. You can separate multiple recipients using semicolon (e.g.;
EmailCc varchar(1000) YES Cc list for email. You can separate multiple recipients using semicolon (e.g.;
EmailBcc varchar(1000) YES Bcc list for email. You can separate multiple recipients using semicolon (e.g.;
EmailSubject varchar(500) YES Email subject line (You may use following format specifiers)
  • {{ReportName}}
  • {{ReportPath}}
  • {{ReportParameters}}
  • {{ReportDate}}
EmailIsHtml bit YES Indicates whether email should be in HTML format or plain text
EmailBodyText varchar(MAX) YES Email body (text or HTML). You can use following format specifiers.
  • {{ReportName}}
  • {{ReportPath}}
  • {{ReportParameters}}
  • {{ReportDate}}
EmailAttachmentFile varchar(500) YES NOT USED - For future use only
Datasets varchar(MAX) YES If ReportType=Local then use this field to indicates how many datasets you have in report file (Use vertical bar to list multiple datasets). Example: MyDataset1|MyDataset2
DatasetConnectionStrings varchar(MAX) YES If ReportType=Local then use this field to indicate connection strings for each dataset listed in Datasets. If you have different connection strings for each dataset then list connection string in the same order as your dataset and seperate them using vertical bar. Right now only for SQL Server and OLEDB Connection Strings are supported.
Example (Use of Driver for SQL Server):
Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=MyDB1;Integrated Security=True;|Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=MyDB2;Integrated Security=True;

Example (Use of OLEDB Driver):
Data Source= localhost;InitialCatalog=MyDB1;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;|Data Source= localhost;InitialCatalog=MyDB2;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;
Example (Use of and OLEDB Driver):
Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=MyDB1;Integrated Security=True;|Data Source= localhost;InitialCatalog=MyDB2;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;
Example (Use of ODBC Driver):
Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=MyDB1;Integrated Security=True;|Data Source= localhost;InitialCatalog=MyDB2;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;
LastExportStartDate datetime YES Indicates when report export process started
LastExportEndDate datetime YES Indicates when report export process ended
LastStatus varchar(20) YES Indicates status of last export (i.e. STARTED, FAILED, SUCCESS)
LastMessage varchar(MAX) YES Last export message. if LastStatus was FAILED then this field contains error message


Coming soon!!!


Coming soon!!!


SSIS Task for Reporting Services - Export server report

SSIS Reporting Services Task - Export Server Report screen

SSIS Reporting Services Task - Parameters screen

SSIS Reporting Services Task - Report credentials screen

SSIS Reporting Services Task - Email export settings screen

SSIS Reporting Services Task - SSRS Report sent as email attachment

SSIS Reporting Services Task - File export settings screen

SSIS Task for Reporting Services - Export local report

SSIS Reporting Services Task - Export Server Report Screen

SSIS Reporting Services Task - Export Server Report Screen

SSIS Task for Reporting Services - Data driven SSRS report export

SSIS Reporting Services Task - Export Server Report Screen

SSIS Reporting Services Task - Export Server Report Screen



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