Cosmos DB Connector
Version: 2

EndPoint Get table information by Id or Name




Gets a table by its Id. (Tables are also called 'containers' or 'collections') [API reference]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
Id Table Name (Case-Sensitive) YES
Database Database Name (keep blank to use default) Case-Sensitive NO Leave blank to use default DB set on connection screen

Output Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
Id DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False The unique name that identifies the collection.
ResourceId DT_WSTR nvarchar(2000) 2000 False System generated property. The resource ID is a unique identifier that is also hierarchical per the resource stack on the resource model. It is used internally for placement and navigation of the permission resource.
LastUpdated DT_I4 int False System generated property. Specifies the last updated timestamp of the resource.
ETag DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False System generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control.
UniqueKeys DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False Unique keys for the container.
IndexingPolicyIndexingMode DT_WSTR nvarchar(12) 12 False By default, the indexing mode is Consistent. This means that indexing occurs synchronously during insertion, replacement, or deletion of documents. To have indexing occur asynchronously, set the indexing mode to lazy.
IndexingPolicyAutomatic DT_BOOL bit False Indicates whether automatic indexing is on or off. The default value is True, thus all documents are indexed. Setting the value to False would allow manual configuration of indexing paths.
IndexingPolicyIncludedPaths DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False The array containing document paths to be indexed. By default, two paths are included: the / path which specifies that all document paths be indexed, and the _ts path, which indexes for a timestamp range comparison.
IndexingPolicyExcludedPaths DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False The array containing document paths to be excluded from being indexed.
ConflictResolutionMode DT_WSTR nvarchar(20) 20 False Policy-driven mechanism to resolve write conflicts. You can select from two conflict resolution policies on an Azure Cosmos DB container. (LastWriterWins and Custom)
ConflictResolutionPath DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False Policy-driven mechanism to resolve write conflicts. This is the conflict resolution path.
ConflictResolutionProcedure DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False Policy-driven mechanism to resolve write conflicts. This is the conflict resolution procedure.
GeospatialConfigType DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False The type of geospatial data describing the position and shape of objects in space.
PartitionKeyPaths DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False An array of paths using which data within the collection can be partitioned. Paths must not contain a wildcard or a trailing slash. For example, the JSON property 'AccountNumber' is specified as '/AccountNumber'. The array must contain only a single value.
PartitionKeyKind DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False The algorithm used for partitioning. Only Hash is supported.
PartitionKeyVersion DT_I4 int False The partition key version.
Documents DT_WSTR nvarchar(2048) 2048 False System generated property that specifies the addressable path of the documents resource.
StoredProcedures DT_WSTR nvarchar(2048) 2048 False System generated property that specifies the addressable path of the stored procedures (sprocs) resource.
Triggers DT_WSTR nvarchar(2048) 2048 False System generated property that specifies the addressable path of the triggers resource.
UserDefinedFunctions DT_WSTR nvarchar(2048) 2048 False System generated property that specifies the addressable path of the user-defined functions (udfs) resource.
Conflicts DT_WSTR nvarchar(2048) 2048 False System generated property that specifies the addressable path of the conflicts resource. During an operation on a resource within a collection, if a conflict occurs, users can inspect the conflicting resources by performing a GET on the conflicts URI path.

Input Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
There are no Static columns defined for this endpoint. This endpoint detects columns dynamically at runtime.