Amazon Selling Partner (SP-API) Connector
Version: 1

EndPoint Get Orders




Returns orders created or updated during the time frame indicated by the specified parameters. You can also apply a range of filtering criteria to narrow the list of orders returned. If NextToken is present, that will be used to retrieve the orders instead of other criteria.


Parameter Label Required Options Description
MarketplaceIds MarketplaceIds YES
Option Value
United States of America ATVPDKIKX0DER
Brazil A2Q3Y263D00KWC
Mexico A1AM78C64UM0Y8
United Kingdom A1F83G8C2ARO7P
Netherlands A1805IZSGTT6HS
Germany A1PA6795UKMFR9
South Africa AE08WJ6YKNBMC
Saudi Arabia A17E79C6D8DWNP
United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) A2VIGQ35RCS4UG
Singapore A19VAU5U5O7RUS
Australia A39IBJ37TRP1C6
Japan A1VC38T7YXB528
CreatedAfter CreatedAfter NO
Option Value
2023-12-31 2023-12-31
2023-12-31T00:00:00 2023-12-31T00:00:00
now now
now-24h now-24h
today today
yesterday yesterday
yearstart-10y yearstart-10y
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
monthend+1d-1y monthend+1d-1y
A UTC date used for selecting orders created after (or at) a specified time. Date format must be UTC - ISO 8601 format (e.g. short date 2017-02-10 -OR- date and time 2017-02-10T12:10:02). If LastUpdatedAfter is not specified. Specifying both CreatedAfter and LastUpdatedAfter returns an error. You can use static values or date functions. Supported functions are now|today|yesterday|weekstart|weekend|monthstart|monthend|yearstart|yearend and supported intervals for add/subtract are ms|s|sec|min|h|hour|y|year|d|day|m|month|y|year. Example monthstart-3d (subtract 3days from month start)
CreatedBefore CreatedBefore NO
Option Value
2023-12-31 2023-12-31
2023-12-31T00:00:00 2023-12-31T00:00:00
now now
now-24h now-24h
today today
yesterday yesterday
yearstart-10y yearstart-10y
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
monthend+1d-1y monthend+1d-1y
A UTC date used for selecting orders created before (or at) a specified time. Date format must be UTC - ISO 8601 format (e.g. short date 2017-02-10 -OR- date and time 2017-02-10T12:10:02) You can use static values or date functions. Supported functions are now|today|yesterday|weekstart|weekend|monthstart|monthend|yearstart|yearend and supported intervals for add/subtract are ms|s|sec|min|h|hour|y|year|d|day|m|month|y|year. Example monthstart-3d (subtract 3days from month start)
LastUpdatedAfter LastUpdatedAfter NO
Option Value
2023-12-31 2023-12-31
2023-12-31T00:00:00 2023-12-31T00:00:00
now now
now-24h now-24h
today today
yesterday yesterday
yearstart-10y yearstart-10y
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
monthend+1d-1y monthend+1d-1y
A UTC date used for selecting orders that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in order status, including the creation of a new order. Includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller. Date format must be UTC - ISO 8601 format (e.g. short date 2017-02-10 -OR- date and time 2017-02-10T12:10:02). If CreatedAfter is not specified.Specifying both CreatedAfter and LastUpdatedAfter returns an error.If LastUpdatedAfter is specified, then BuyerEmail and SellerOrderId cannot be specified. You can use static values or date functions. Supported functions are now|today|yesterday|weekstart|weekend|monthstart|monthend|yearstart|yearend and supported intervals for add/subtract are ms|s|sec|min|h|hour|y|year|d|day|m|month|y|year. Example monthstart-3d (subtract 3days from month start)
LastUpdatedBefore LastUpdatedBefore NO
Option Value
2023-12-31 2023-12-31
2023-12-31T00:00:00 2023-12-31T00:00:00
now now
now-24h now-24h
today today
yesterday yesterday
yearstart-10y yearstart-10y
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
monthend+1d-1y monthend+1d-1y
A UTC date used for selecting orders that were last updated before (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in order status, including the creation of a new order. Includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller. Date format must be UTC - ISO 8601 format (e.g. short date 2017-02-10 -OR- date and time 2017-02-10T12:10:02) You can use static values or date functions. Supported functions are now|today|yesterday|weekstart|weekend|monthstart|monthend|yearstart|yearend and supported intervals for add/subtract are ms|s|sec|min|h|hour|y|year|d|day|m|month|y|year. Example monthstart-3d (subtract 3days from month start)
OrderStatuses OrderStatuses NO
Option Value
Pending Pending
Unshipped Unshipped
PartiallyShipped PartiallyShipped
PendingAvailability PendingAvailability
Shipped Shipped
Canceled Canceled
Unfulfillable Unfulfillable
A list of OrderStatus values. Used to select orders with a current status that matches one of the status values that you specify.
FulfillmentChannels FulfillmentChannels NO
Option Value
Fulfilled by Amazon AFN
Fulfilled by the seller MFN
A list that indicates how an order was fulfilled.
PaymentMethods PaymentMethods NO
Option Value
Cash on delivery COD
Convenience store payment CVS
Any payment method other than COD or CVS Other
A list of PaymentMethod values. Used to select orders paid for with the payment methods that you specify.
BuyerEmail BuyerEmail NO The e-mail address of a buyer. Used to select only the orders that contain the specified e-mail address. If BuyerEmail is specified, then FulfillmentChannel, OrderStatus, PaymentMethod, LastUpdatedAfter, LastUpdatedBefore, and SellerOrderId cannot be specified.
SellerOrderId SellerOrderId NO An order identifier that is specified by the seller. Not an Amazon order identifier. Used to select only the orders that match a seller-specified order identifier. If SellerOrderId is specified, then FulfillmentChannel, OrderStatus, PaymentMethod, LastUpdatedAfter, LastUpdatedBefore, and BuyerEmail cannot be specified.
MaxResultsPerPage MaxResultsPerPage NO A number that indicates the maximum number of orders that can be returned per page. Value must be 1 - 100. Default 100.
EasyShipShipmentStatuses EasyShipShipmentStatuses NO
Option Value
PendingSchedule PendingSchedule
PendingPickUp PendingPickUp
PendingDropOff PendingDropOff
LabelCanceled LabelCanceled
PickedUp PickedUp
DroppedOff DroppedOff
AtOriginFC AtOriginFC
AtDestinationFC AtDestinationFC
Delivered Delivered
RejectedByBuyer RejectedByBuyer
Undeliverable Undeliverable
ReturningToSeller ReturningToSeller
ReturnedToSeller ReturnedToSeller
Lost Lost
OutForDelivery OutForDelivery
Damaged Damaged
A list of EasyShipShipmentStatus values. Used to select Easy Ship orders with statuses that match the specified values. If EasyShipShipmentStatus is specified, only Amazon Easy Ship orders are returned. Possible values: - PendingSchedule (The package is awaiting the schedule for pick-up.) - PendingPickUp (Amazon has not yet picked up the package from the seller.) - PendingDropOff (The seller will deliver the package to the carrier.) - LabelCanceled (The seller canceled the pickup.) - PickedUp (Amazon has picked up the package from the seller.) - DroppedOff (The package is delivered to the carrier by the seller.) - AtOriginFC (The packaged is at the origin fulfillment center.) - AtDestinationFC (The package is at the destination fulfillment center.) - Delivered (The package has been delivered.) - RejectedByBuyer (The package has been rejected by the buyer.) - Undeliverable (The package cannot be delivered.) - ReturningToSeller (The package was not delivered and is being returned to the seller.) - ReturnedToSeller (The package was not delivered and was returned to the seller.) - Lost (The package is lost.) - OutForDelivery (The package is out for delivery.) - Damaged (The package was damaged by the carrier.)
ElectronicInvoiceStatuses ElectronicInvoiceStatuses NO
Option Value
NotRequired NotRequired
NotFound NotFound
Processing Processing
Errored Errored
Accepted Accepted
A list of ElectronicInvoiceStatus values. Used to select orders with electronic invoice statuses that match the specified values. Possible values: - NotRequired (Electronic invoice submission is not required for this order.) - NotFound (The electronic invoice was not submitted for this order.) - Processing (The electronic invoice is being processed for this order.) - Errored (The last submitted electronic invoice was rejected for this order.) - Accepted (The last submitted electronic invoice was submitted and accepted.)
AmazonOrderIds AmazonOrderIds NO Comma separated list of AmazonOrderId values. An AmazonOrderId is an Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. Max count : 50
ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId NO Denotes the recommended sourceId where the order should be fulfilled from.
IsISPU IsISPU NO When true, this order is marked to be picked up from a store rather than delivered.
StoreChainStoreId StoreChainStoreId NO The store chain store identifier. Linked to a specific store in a store chain.

Output Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
AmazonOrderId DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
PurchaseDate DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
LastUpdateDate DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
OrderStatus DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
FulfillmentChannel DT_WSTR nvarchar(50) 50 False
SalesChannel DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
ShipServiceLevel DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
CurrencyCode DT_WSTR nvarchar(50) 50 False
Amount DT_WSTR nvarchar(50) 50 False
NumberOfItemsShipped DT_I4 int False
NumberOfItemsUnshipped DT_I4 int False
PaymentMethod DT_WSTR nvarchar(50) 50 False
PaymentMethodDetails DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
IsReplacementOrder DT_BOOL bit False
MarketplaceId DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
ShipmentServiceLevelCategory DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
OrderType DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
EarliestShipDate DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
LatestShipDate DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
EarliestDeliveryDate DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
LatestDeliveryDate DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
IsBusinessOrder DT_BOOL bit False
IsPrime DT_BOOL bit False
IsGlobalExpressEnabled DT_BOOL bit False
IsPremiumOrder DT_BOOL bit False
IsSoldByAB DT_BOOL bit False
IsIBA DT_BOOL bit False
DefaultShipFromName DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
DefaultShipAddressLine1 DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
DefaultShipFromCity DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
DefaultShipFromStateOrRegion DT_WSTR nvarchar(50) 50 False
DefaultShipFromPostalCode DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
DefaultShipFromCountryCode DT_WSTR nvarchar(50) 50 False
DefaultShipFromPhone DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
DefaultShipFromAddressType DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
FulfillmentSupplySourceId DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
IsISPU DT_BOOL bit False
IsAccessPointOrder DT_BOOL bit False
HasAutomatedShippingSettings DT_BOOL bit False
EasyShipShipmentStatus DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
ElectronicInvoiceStatus DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False

Input Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
There are no Static columns defined for this endpoint. This endpoint detects columns dynamically at runtime.