Amazon Selling Partner (SP-API) Connector
Version: 1

Authentication OAuth (Self Authorize - Private App)


No description available


To call Amazon SP-API you need to register as Developer and create an App to obtain Client ID / Client Secret. After that authorize to get a Refresh Token. Perform the following steps (Detailed steps found in the each link described below)
  1. Go to Register as a Private App developer. You can wait for day or two to get approval. Check status this way
  2. Once your Developer account is approved. Login to your account and create a new app and obtain Client ID and Client Secret.
  3. In the very last step can click here to learn how to obtain Refresh Token (Self-Authorize).
  4. Copy Client ID, Client Secret and Refresh Token and paste on the Connector UI. Refresh Token field is found under the Grid on the Connector UI and Client ID and Client Secret found in the Grid.
  5. For Video Tutorial check this blog post


Parameter Label Required Default value Options Description
ClientId ClientId
ClientSecret ClientSecret
TokenUrl TokenUrl
TokenUIMode TokenUIMode OnlyRefreshToken
AuthUrl AuthUrl (Do not Use for Private App - Self Authorization)[YOUR-APPLICATION-ID]&version=beta
OrdersApiVersion OrdersApiVersion v0
SellerApiVersion SellerApiVersion v1
ShippingApiVersion ShippingApiVersion v1
ServicesApiVersion ServicesApiVersion v1
FbaApiVersion FbaApiVersion v1
SalesApiVersion SalesApiVersion v1
ReportsApiVersion ReportsApiVersion 2021-06-30
ProductsFeesApiVersion ProductsFeesApiVersion v0
ProductPricingApiVersion ProductPricingApiVersion v0
CatalogItemsApiVersion CatalogItemsApiVersion 2022-04-01
VendorOrdersApiVersion VendorOrdersApiVersion v1
RetryMode RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
RetryStatusCodeList RetryStatusCodeList 429
RetryCountMax RetryCountMax 5
RetryMultiplyWaitTime RetryMultiplyWaitTime True