Amazon Selling Partner (SP-API) Connector
Version: 1

Authentication Private app


Amazon Sellers can use SP-API to set up private integrations and build solutions exclusively for their Amazon store. Private app is available only to your organization and is self-authorized. A private developer builds application(s) that integrate their own company with Amazon APIs. [API reference]


Perform the following steps to authenticate calls using Amazon SP-API Private app:

  1. Register as an Amazon Private SP-API Developer. You may need to wait for a day or two to get approved (check approval status).
  2. Once your developer account is approved, login to your account, and click Add new app client button to create a Private app: Add new app client as Amazon private developer
  3. Continue by naming your application in the App name field, choose SP API as API Type, and select the Roles for your app (i.e. permissions): Register Amazon SP API app
  4. Once you do that, click View link in LWA credentials column to copy Client identifier and Client secret (we will use them later): Copy client id and client secret of Private app in Amazon
  5. Now it's time to Authorize your app: Start authorizing Private app in Amazon developer area
  6. Finish authorizing it by presing Authorize app button: Authorize Private app in Amazon developer area
  7. Finally, copy the Refresh Token (we will use it in the next step): Use refresh token to get Amazon Selling Partner data via REST API
  8. Now go to SSIS package or ODBC data source and use Private app authentication configuration:
    • In the ClientId field paste the Client identifier value you copied in the previous step.
    • In the ClientSecret field paste the Client secret value you copied in the previous step.
    • Leave the default value in the TokenUrl field.
    • In the Refresh Token field paste the Refresh Token value you copied in the previous step.
  9. Click Test Connection to confirm the connection is working.
  10. Done! Now you are ready to use Amazon Selling Partner (SP-API) Connector!


Parameter Label Required Default value Options Description
ClientId ClientId YES
ClientSecret ClientSecret YES
TokenUrl TokenUrl YES
TokenUIMode TokenUIMode OnlyRefreshToken
AuthUrl AuthUrl (Do not Use for Private app - Self Authorization)[YOUR-APPLICATION-ID]&version=beta
OrdersApiVersion OrdersApiVersion v0
SellerApiVersion SellerApiVersion v1
ShippingApiVersion ShippingApiVersion v1
ServicesApiVersion ServicesApiVersion v1
FbaApiVersion FbaApiVersion v1
SalesApiVersion SalesApiVersion v1
ReportsApiVersion ReportsApiVersion 2021-06-30
ProductsFeesApiVersion ProductsFeesApiVersion v0
ProductPricingApiVersion ProductPricingApiVersion v0
CatalogItemsApiVersion CatalogItemsApiVersion 2022-04-01
VendorOrdersApiVersion VendorOrdersApiVersion v1
RetryMode RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
RetryStatusCodeList RetryStatusCodeList 429
RetryCountMax RetryCountMax 5
RetryMultiplyWaitTime RetryMultiplyWaitTime True